Reviews for Politics of the Heart
Toothtooth chapter 30 . 1/6/2016
This is bloody perfection.

The characters are brilliant, I love the plot, and your writing skills, there isn't anything to fault!
This is fantastic and one of my favourites
TheIbis2010 chapter 3 . 1/21/2015
Hi, me again! Sorry I was a Guest yesterday, I forgot to log into my account. Silly Ibis!

Anyway, LOVED this chapter as well. When John was announced as the new Deputy, all I could think of was 12 being told he was now the president of earth. For a being with such great power, the Doctor always seems so stunned to find out he has it. :)

I like how the villains are being reworked as political figures. Wilfred's the Speaker, I love that! :0 And "Davros Dalek" was very clever, and if I know anything about that evil little jerk than he'll be back to cause more trouble, politician or not. And Harold Saxon! I really want to find out where that goes.
Someone's going to PM me about this review and say "Spoilers", I know it...

Also, as an American teenager who barely knows a thing about politics in general, considering that you made some of these political maneuverings up I found them to be really believable! So well done there.

On to the next chapters!
Guest chapter 2 . 1/20/2015
Agh! The feels! The references! John and Clara! The FANTASTICALLY good writing!

No wonder this story has so many followers. I'm only just done with chapter 2, and you, CountingAlllTheStars, are sorely tempting me to read the whole thing before my test comes up. I don't think I will, but I really want to.

I'm not sure if I'll review every chapter once I've finished it. I think there's a limit on how many different ways you can say "This is great!" before it become repetitive. But I'll definitely try! :)
Kendra600 chapter 30 . 12/18/2014
I might have just died a little bit. This was very well written and I can honestly say that I LOVED IT! The conflict was amazing and the way the climax was built up to was absolutely magnificent!
the-not-so-bad-wolf chapter 30 . 11/24/2014
Oh. My. Gawsh. I. Am. DYING!
Amazing story! Great plot, well developed, fantastic in all aspects!
the-not-so-bad-wolf chapter 17 . 11/24/2014
That second to last sentence is pure work of art
Ember chapter 30 . 10/5/2014
I love this! Oh my god, I don't normally read stories with this many chapters, but wow, this was just amazing. Absolutely fantastic (and adorable!)
dragonflywhisperer568 chapter 2 . 8/25/2014
I just love this story so much that I continuously go back and re-read it whenever I run out of fanfictions to read! It had such a cute, yet intense storyline and is beautifully written _
Miss Banshee chapter 30 . 8/3/2014
Thank you for this brilliant story!
I really couldn't stop reading!
I loved how you integrated all the characters, especially the connection to the Torchwood-Team was great!
Please keep your great work up in your other stories!
I'm looking forward to reading more of you!
katierosefun chapter 30 . 8/2/2014
This was one of the best Whouflee fics I've ever read! Bravo!
theimpossiblegirl123 chapter 30 . 7/28/2014
amazing! i truly loved it! i have to say i was a little confused within the first 3 chapters, but i lovedthis story! thank you :D xox
Agazeamongstthestars chapter 30 . 7/7/2014
Please write a sequel, I loved this! This story was incredible, and I really hope you write more! Amazing story, I loved your writing, and the plotline!
dragonflywhisperer568 chapter 30 . 7/4/2014
Wow! This story was amazing! I loved every moment of it _ Did you actually write the sequel?
dragonflywhisperer568 chapter 1 . 6/27/2014
I just started reading this, it sounds like it will be awesome!
Saharajohanson chapter 30 . 5/26/2014
This was the most beautiful ending to the most beautiful story. I absolutely loved this and everything is so perfect. I am actually really excited for your new story it sounds really interesting. And of course I'm ecstatic for ... A SEQUEL! I really want to see what happens to everyone.
Thank you for the wonderful story and I expect great things to come from you.
(That's my user but I don't feel like logging in:/)
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