Reviews for Winter Flowers
Madcap Minstrel chapter 1 . 6/1/2014
That was beautiful. Always thought Zack and Aeris would create a wonderful little family together. Even as a AeriSeph fan myself, I still enjoy how you portray this couple as well. I was a little disappointed to see you had taken down most of your A/S stories, but I'm hooked on this series you have going on.
Symphony's Feather chapter 1 . 2/6/2014
Aww. I didn't expect that pairing, but I think I'll like it. I loved the last sentence. Are you going to do more of these on the other "future generation children"?
Meteor Panda chapter 1 . 2/5/2014
really loved this, you see Zacks personality in a different way in Kieran. So needed this side story of to WHY he joined the turks, think l mentioned that in inheritance.

Zack...WE don't know how much turks make, spill you bastard! XD