Reviews for For the Last Time in Forever
Eidolon V chapter 1 . 11/29/2019
I like this ending. To invoke a cliche, Frozen was building up to a train wreck. I wanted to see the remains, but, well, Disney. Not to say the ending was bad—like you said, that one scene was extremely heart-wrenching and well done.

Out of curiosity—who are they descended from, and why do they have "special dispension"? Since you reduced Olaf, and Marshmallow is not needed, I'm guessing the 'trolls' become humans?
StarlingChild4 chapter 1 . 2/19/2019
I'm... floored. This is such a fantastic, brilliant, creative fic! This is such a beautiful, tragic AU to what could have happened if Anna didn't melt... I love how you build it up, telling the story again through the words of a descendant (I presume of Kristoff's?), a fairytale of the real world, a family secret... This is an absolute stunning piece of art. A beautiful addition to the Frozen fandom! This deserves hundreds of more favorites and reviews! Bravo! *applauds*
Adelie P chapter 1 . 4/8/2018
This is wonderful! I love how you engage with mythology and Norwegian culture, and you painted such a lovely and painfully sad image at the end that I actually cried (and I think I need someone to tell me it will be okay now). I know this fic is a little older, but I couldn't leave without telling you how much I enjoyed it. Thank you!
Commander chapter 1 . 10/20/2016
I'm not sure how I wound up clicking my way to this story, since I don't read Frozen fanfic-and probably won't again after this fic, since it's risen the bar too high. Your fic here is so beautifully melancholy that I suspect that any other fic I read would just come up short. This scenario felt like what would have naturally transpired had Disney decided to take a more somber ending. This will definitely be on my mind for a long while and give me plenty to think about. Very nicely done. A favorite for sure.
Concolor44 chapter 1 . 7/6/2015
I liked this rather a lot. You leave us with some hope, and I appreciate that. I've read quite a few where one or both of them die, and ... well ... that's just wrong.

I found you in ptahaegyptus2's Favorite Authors list.
PascalDragon chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
I now have finally come around to read this story as well. You were right that here the first person perspective works very good. :)
Also I enjoyed the story itself. It's an interesting take on what-if and whether the trolls were aware that with saying the answer was love they could have stopped quite some tragedy...

RTVfan chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
I saw a link to this story on Tv Tropes, and since I was such a big fan of Frozen(Like everyone else was, although I got to the party late), I was interested in how you could take the opposite path the movie did, choosing the dark ending over the happy one. I'm not necessarily a fan of grimdark material, but since The Snow Queen/Frozen deals with dark themes anyway, I gave this a shot.

And it was beautiful.

Such a well written, descriptive, melancholy, sad story that almost made me cry. I know exactly what scene you're talking about, and this fic captured its essence perfectly. You deserve way more reviews than only eighteen in ten months.

At first I suspected that the Grandfather was a descendant of Hans trying to set things right again, or perhaps a descendant of Kristoff, but when you mentioned trolls halfway through, I knew it had to be one of them.

The only think I'm wondering is: What happened to Marshmellow?
Aerion Snowpaw chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
First off, I love the story.
Heck, the story is more 'Norwegian' this way - half the norwegian tales end with the usual 'hero marries princess, everything's fine forever' kinda thing, but the other half has stuff like 'And if the hunters have not died yet, then they still sit there waiting for the fox' - I can't quite translate it, but close enough.
It's a type of ending I don't see in any other country's tales, unlike the first kind, so it feels more nordic than the same kinda fairy-tale ending every country has.

Secondly... It took quite a while for me to realize you weren't also parodying the Princess Bride story-mechanic of the grandfather and grandson.
The way the first bit was written with the interruptions and such made me not realize they were IN the story.

'Berg' would work as a Norwegian word for Mountain too, actually - wasn't aware Iceberg was taken from Dutch.
I mean, no one says 'Berg' anymore, but that just makes it archaic, not a different language.
'Berg' is even used in some of our national songs.
Emperor Andross chapter 1 . 10/2/2014
A very haunting and gripping story, which cleverly weaves the Disney tale with some elements of the original story and adds some of it's own inspiration to create something new and dazing. I only wish you would now write the end that we all want, of the time when Elsa finally remembers how to love again and her and Anna are restored to the world.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/29/2014
*sobs* That was incredible. Cheers!
Transformers 0 chapter 1 . 8/1/2014
Could you make a sequel perhaps - when Anna is finally freed from her frozen slumber? Please! You can't leave it like this! It's heartbreaking!
Calliecature chapter 1 . 7/31/2014
that was... so sad! I feel like shaking you for recommending it. Poor Elsa. The following would just be suggestions.

When the grandpa was telling the story, i think it would be better that you mix a little action in it to break the monotony of too long a speech. Like "Then they discovered something else," he continued (insert reactive facial features showing his emotions and how was he using his body while he was talking? was he shifting around? was he busying himself? was he standing stock still and solemn?). since this is told in the view of the grandson, what reactions does he saw in his grandpa as he told the story?

The plot twist was great though. I always though it was the old troll's fault for taking away Elsa's power to conquer her powers.

Hang in there, Anna :)

P.S.: You're right about Olaf. He's not my fave but he does mean a lot between the two sisters :)
Hathor-Aroha chapter 1 . 4/9/2014
Your enthralling, wonderfully written tale had me hooked from the first word to the final (including your interesting Author's Notes!). I could tell that a lot of research and knowledge went into this, which I appreciate a lot, as it shows you had real passion in telling this story. It's undoubtedly one of the best I've seen on this site. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful, sad tale with us, a very unique what-if vision on the end of "Frozen".
martianfairy chapter 1 . 3/3/2014
This was extremely impressive to say the least. You've managed to capture such great emotion through this story. I could tell you put a lot of effort into this fanfiction, and that is something I wish could be said for more of the fanfiction writers out there. I do wish that the story had a more satisfying ending, not necessarily a happy one but one with more closure. Still, this is a work of art.
ThatGuyWhoReadsFanfiction chapter 1 . 2/24/2014
This... this is a masterpiece. This is the story that all other stories aspire to be. Words cannot describe the absolute wonder & sorrow I felt upon reading this. Even now, I write this through my tears. It's one thing to write a bad ending, but it is another thing entirely to write out a world in the future of the bad end. To see an outsider's perspective, centuries after the events happened, centuries after most, if not all, have forgotten the tragedy. The world needs more works of this level of quality.
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