Reviews for The Crippled Drake
Guest chapter 1 . 9/10/2018
I cringe every time hiccup gets hit on by Pitch
Shudders ew
Why are you so into that?
Dragon1315 chapter 11 . 6/26/2018
DAM I'm sure if I love this or hate it it's about 60/40. Really cheesy, but so dam cute. I do not like the lyrics, but the last few chapters were pretty creative, so overall pretty good
Guest chapter 1 . 6/26/2018
Just how many times have you watched the little Mermaid? Every single line of dialogue is spot on.
SnowFlakeWrites chapter 11 . 6/12/2018
Will there be a sequel?
Elphaba818 chapter 11 . 5/13/2018
Very cute story! It's was so sweet! :D
KuroShiro1590 chapter 11 . 5/28/2017
I think I'm in love with your versions of these movies...I swear I'm literally head over heals for these stories. They're so well written and with little to absolutely no errors I get so captivated by every single little event even though I already know the gist of the story! You do an amazing job and I look forward to reading the rest of your work.
Rayvin587 chapter 1 . 4/19/2017
I do not know if you're still writing HiJack, since it has been about a year, but I would love seeing the Howl's Moving Castle AU! Jack's Moving Lake would be amazing! Please consider doing it, but I also understand if your muse is elsewhere. Now onto the review, I really liked this and how instead of going by the movie, you really changed it up. I also really liked the mermaid allusion in the beginning and Jamie's role. Really well thought out, especially with Hiccup being able to speak. Some constructive criticism, the fight scene did need work, and I understand it not being your forte, but if you write more and more scenes like it, you'll get loads better! One way to do this that I got from my friend (published author, so decent advice) is to write from different POV's to see inside each character, or mix up the weapons and see if they flow. Youay find that you write better with a sword than a scythe, and could stick to which weapon you feel is best, while only hinting at the other ones. Also, never stop reading action of all sorts so that you can get ideas from more places. Really good
Brightly shadow chapter 11 . 9/16/2016
Why can't be Astrid and Jack that has exchange it would be everlasting
Raven Howl chapter 11 . 5/18/2016
I'm back for another review ! I read A Viking and the Frost/The Crippled Drake in one day, I couldn't stop and didn't do anything else x) So, yeah, the first thing I thought when I saw your summary was : "Another Little Mermaid Au, will it be like the other ?" but what was my surprise to see that you created something that was maybe more interesting than the mermaid thing ! To be honest, this isn't my favorite Disney movie for many reasons but I like the plot and was intrigued by all of this. I was so right to come and read it. I'm a big fan of chimera so your Drake (part human and part dragon), was a gift that I welcomed with a smile :) and the fact that they can have a Dragon by their side, is also something that I love. So, the fact that Hiccup comes from the sky and not under the sea, was a really good surprise that pushed me to learn more about it. Tooth's role was hilarious, I imagine her so well in that character who can give good advises but can have the wrong answer to a question (with the fork for example). I was laughing so hard when Hiccup brushed his hair with it ! Awkward moment ! Then, I'm happy that you didn't follow the original plotline and went to another twist. I don't like Jack x Jamie (don't ask me why, I don't know) and hate Hiccup (or Jack) x Pitch ... brr. Same goes for Dagcup in A Viking and the Frost, it makes me uncomfortable.
So, when Pitch took control of Jamie, I was shocked. Seriously, that wasn't something I could predict and it was incredible ! Thank you so much for this moment I had with your story. Again, I'm sorry if my English is bad ... Continue like this ! You're an awesome writer and I know what I mean !
Big hugs for you.
AnimeGeekGirl5 chapter 11 . 7/31/2015
I love, love, LOVE this story! It was sooooo cute. Amazing job. I hope you continue writing HIJACK in these Disney AUs :)
AnimeGerkGirl5 chapter 5 . 7/30/2015
Lol love the little mermaid reference
Cosecha chapter 11 . 5/30/2015
This ficc is amazing! Is so cute and romantic! :D
Maybe if you wrote "The crippled drake 2" whit Jack and Hiccup son (have you seen the cute boy of Overwatch trailer?). That would be beautiful! :3
kimmy 111 chapter 11 . 3/20/2015
This was good but but why the hell puting hiccup with pitch it's gross" but it was a good ending but can you do an other for me if you watch the little mermaids 2 you might get an idea please
faisyah865 chapter 11 . 10/21/2014
This story is most enjoyable and definitly worth 6 hours of my life! I'll reread it again...
a random person chapter 11 . 9/15/2014
Have you seen The Little Mermaid 2? You should totally do a sequel to this with Hiccup and Jacks son/daughter! That would be COOL!
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