Reviews for The Lucky One
TheoPotterGoblinFriend chapter 13 . 4/21/2015
PLEASE UPDATE! This fic really grabs a person. I wanna know what happens next :)
HIMYMlove chapter 2 . 2/11/2015
Is this abandoned? :(
Buttons'n'Bows chapter 13 . 1/2/2015
This was an incredibly sad and sometimes confusing chapter. Why Nick & Seb? Why is Hunter being seemingly nice?
I hope you haven't abandoned this story.
Jake chapter 13 . 11/4/2014
Every time I read a chapter of your story I'm really dying to know what will happen in the next chapter. Please update as soon as possible. I hope this cheers you up a bit - because you really deserve a lot of good things in you life. You give us readers so much with this wonderful story. So if i haven't said thank you so far...THANK YOU
Ingrid chapter 13 . 10/30/2014
Thank you so much for the update. I still love your story so much and every chapter you write makes me happy. I hope we will not have to wait so long for the next chapter, because it's very hard to wait when you love a story so much as I love yours.
Also a Happy Halloween to you (although we don't celebrate it where I live).
HIMYMlove chapter 13 . 10/23/2014
I still think Sebastian and Hunter did it on Hunter's command. Does Hunter really have some kind of twisted feelings for Kurt? I hope he gets away soon and finally will be happy
Ritsuki Yonsago chapter 11 . 10/22/2014
I know people like Hunter can manipulate anyone. If Blaine is smart enough, he won't confront Hunter directly. He should find a trick to trap Hunter.
Kurt, please be strong for Blaine and Finn!
Ritsuki Yonsago chapter 10 . 10/22/2014
How could you...*sob* poor Kurt and Finn.
Please let Blaine save them. I can't bear to see them suffering :(
Ritsuki Yonsago chapter 9 . 10/22/2014
Oh No! Kurt's secret was revealed and I hope Blaine and Finn didn't hate him. I know Santana can hide Finn but it will be great if Blaine knows too.
ronnyangel88 chapter 13 . 10/22/2014
will Hunter really keep his word and let Kurt work behind the bar. When will see Blaine or Finn again and will they eventually save Kurt from Hunter
butterfly girl chapter 13 . 10/22/2014
Just: THANK YOU! To wait for the next chapter is always hard - but YES the new chapter makes up for it. But I really hope that you will keep your promise up and update in 14 days. I love this story so much, I really can't say how much.

God bless you - you are wonderful and so is your writing style.
Anonymous chapter 13 . 10/22/2014
Woah what an intense chapter. Poor kurt being broken like that, and now he's having a somewhat Stockholm-esque reaction to hunter now. Really interested to see if kurt finds sanctuary in his Lucky One persona
MrsMusicAddict chapter 13 . 10/22/2014
You have no idea what this chapter did to me. At one point I was too scared to read on. I was at the memories, and I had this song playing. A Dutch one, a happy one, but for some reason it just made the whole thing worse. Especially the memory of Blaine. If I were to translate the song title it'd be "I'm Glad I didn't forget about you". All this, plus the depressive mood I already was in.. Yeah, it was hard, but daamn, this was really good.

Poor Kurt, but yay him for at least keeping some money behind. At least that money didn't get to Hunter, so that's something. And then Nick, Joe and Seb.. I really wonder what that was all about, even more so after the "don't trust him" comment. Now I've obviously never trusted Hunter before, but now I am honestly scared for Kurt. With all of his suicidal thoughts.. I just need him to end up okay, or at least out of there so he can get back to Finn and Blaine (who I am sure will take him back/care for him) and start to heal. I just don't think that will happen any time soon? Either way, a girl can hope, right ?

Happy Halloween to you too, hahaha! And I will be waiting for the next chapter! Hoping the "un-angstier" will be bearable, hahaha :D
Cecile78 chapter 13 . 10/22/2014
But how Nick in been able to make that for Kurt?
The poor, him who thought of credit note at least a friend but now, Hunter stays up him (Fortunately, that it is there).
Cursed Nick, I hate him for what he is doing to Kurt.
I adore your story, hasten to read the continuation. Thanks.
Megan O'Brian chapter 12 . 9/27/2014
You can't imgine how much this story means to me. You're such a great writer and every chapter is a little masterpiece. Can't wait to read more so please update soon.
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