Reviews for Dawn
BlueLionSTL chapter 17 . 7/31/2017
While beautifully and woefully crafted...

I hate you so much right now. And I am out of tissues.
Blue720 chapter 1 . 6/11/2017
Two words...Unconditional love. No greater love than one who lays down his/her life for his/friends. You have a maddening ability to delve into the soul and explore the essence of life. This story is frightening yet relevant because it shows the humanity in its finest light. I cannot thank you enough for having the courage and the genius to share your art. I know that all who accept the mission to read will be forever transformed into better citizens of our world. Salud.
keithnallurafan chapter 17 . 4/24/2017
I have to admit, I have avoided this story since reading the first few chapters. After the Rollercoaster of emotions from Battle, I knew I was walking into a minefield of emotions. The first chapter made me cry buckets! But I know you're such a great writer that I had to see what happened. I hoped for something good to come out of it. Then I found myself crying, sobbing really over every setback. I had a hard time with the joining thing. It felt cruel is so many ways, yet given the circumstances a mercy. He didn't have anywhere to go. Everything and everyone he loved were right there. And Allura couldn't not have kids. So it just had to be. Though not the happy story I wish I could open and read from you, it was well executed, told in a way that even if the story isn't what you want, you'll not forget how it made you feel. That's the hallmark of a great writer. The only time I cried happy tears and smiled was at the end. You did give us that. Thank you.

Based on the stories I have read, you sure have it in for our hero! Lol. What did Keith ever do to you? :) BTW, are you going to finish Aftermath? I would love to know how Keith and Allura work their relationship out in that story. Thanks for sharing your talent and perspective with us. Next time can we get a great story that involves Keith and Allura that isn't heartbreaking tragic? I bet it would probably be one of my favorites ever.
Andi chapter 17 . 9/19/2016
OMG! This was absolutely, positively WONDERFUL! I'm still bawling...such a bittersweet story. Please write more!
Andi chapter 17 . 9/19/2016
OMG! This was absolutely, positively WONDERFUL! I'm still bawling...such a bittersweet story.
Bellantara chapter 1 . 9/18/2016
I'm reviewing the entire story here. . .

Oh, Kristina. I think this is one of the most poignant fics I've ever read. Poor Keith, to have everything taken from him bit by bit, to find a way to cope only to suffer a new setback! And the way his and Allura's love endures, though forever denied its ultimate expression. . . breathtaking. I love your characterizations, regardless of the fic, and they truly shine here. Amazing work. *Stands and applauds*
LancesKitten chapter 17 . 9/16/2016
*stands up and claps*

Kristina... what can I say? Beautiful, heartbreaking - you left me smiling through my tears. Wonderful job, my friend! You never fail to tell the most fantastic stories. Thank you for sharing you talent! :)

Andi chapter 15 . 9/15/2016
Sniffling! Waah! Kleenex!
prettybaby173 chapter 13 . 10/28/2015
I can never read this story in one single seating because I always cry. I can never get past the first chapter without crying so I tried to just read the story backwards. But then I still cried.
Its a sad story but well-written, so full of emotions. I loved how you've written Keith as a strong person and selfless one. I also like the way you've explored unconventional relationship between Allura and Keith and Kristoff and how Keith became like a father to her children.
A great story about a leader, hero, brother, friend, uncle and lover.
animebookchic chapter 13 . 1/3/2015
Looking forward to more of this story!
Paulina Ann chapter 13 . 1/1/2015
Sigh. No tissues for these three chapters, thankfully. However, I am still sad about it all, so the 'irritation' factor is still pretty high. :)

Is there no ray of hope for us?
sunshineleo chapter 13 . 1/1/2015
This is such a sad, tragic story. Haggar is truly evil. She reminds me of the evil of the Sith in Star Wars. The love triangle of Keith, Allura, and Kristoff I find interesting. I know we saw the end of the story at the beginning, but I can't help but hope for an alernative. Beautifully written!
shoopdan chapter 10 . 12/23/2014
I am hanging in there but you are making it so hard! I am clicking my heals together wishing for that happy ending. Seriously though kudos for the novel direction. I have seen Keith painted as self-sacrificing and exhibiting an extreme love of Allura and his comrades but this kicks it up a couple notches.
Guest chapter 10 . 12/23/2014
Okay, so I am irritated at the chapter, but *sigh* it DOES go with your plot. Well written. Waiting on next chapter.
keithnallurafan chapter 9 . 12/19/2014
Yeah. I'm mad at you...again. :)
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