Reviews for The Phoenix Ascension
AmericanWildDog chapter 7 . 5/26/2017
and this one came sooner than i thought!
I love seeing anything with Pip's perspective and the not-so-subtle ways Alucard tubs it in his face that seras always looks up to him. Pip is a good boy. But I appreciate Alucard and his way of getting things done.
And a big kudos to Seras for saving Pip and getting the job done!
Jo chapter 7 . 5/26/2017
Glad to see this updated, I like how you are building things up so far, not just when it comes to story but the characters as well!
James Birdsong chapter 6 . 5/23/2017
Good six chapters
Alexis chapter 6 . 5/23/2017
I feel like Abigail is the whiny OC every Hellsing story gets, I'm mostly looking for the potential AxI, and the storyline is interesting. I liked the beginning because it seemed that Abigail would evolve like Seras, to not become a sort of Mary Sue and put all the characters on the side, I hope it stays that way.
AmericanWildDog chapter 6 . 5/23/2017
Again i still love Abigail and her reactions! It seems hellsing really is determined to ruin her life and loosing her mother just furthered it!
Also yes subtle jealous Pip. i live for it. I live for pipxseras and alucard catching on and using it to get a good laugh out of Pip's obvious discomfort.
Did i mention how much i love Walter and Pip in this too?
Jo chapter 5 . 1/5/2017
Things are heating up (no pun intended), ahh can't wait for Abby to get back to Hellsing HQ , the truth is getting closer and closer!
AmericanWildDog chapter 5 . 12/31/2016
Still love it! I read it just this morning but i had to go to work and was unable to review!
Thanks for updating and happy writing!
Guest chapter 4 . 12/26/2016
Ohhhh! So exciting! Can we have some more please? I particularly love the insights into character'a minds, like how Pip compares Alucard and Integra to an old married couple! LOL!
Jo chapter 4 . 12/16/2016
Really liked the way you interpreted the whole story of Alucard bringing Seras to Hellsing, though he is giving himself too much freedom,I hope Integra will put him back in his place soon (one of the reasons why I can't ship them, while there is tension I think she actually wouldn't ever stoop so low to be with him, I kinda have this headcanon that she experimented a little with him while she was still a teen (hormones,curiosity and being easily swayed) ,but left it at that and never turned back; but it's your story so anything you decide I'll still definitely read). But I do love me some Pip and Seras, oh yahh! Abby will be back soon, can't wait for plot to unfold!
AmericanWildDog chapter 4 . 12/16/2016
I love everything about this chapter.
The tidbit where integra thinks back to Seras's turning. Kudos to steering away from Gonzo's interpretation of them. A little apprehension but she warmed up to her...sorta.
The part with Pip and the Wild Geese and Seras was great! I love PipxSeras and I love how you added little bits and pieces along with the original dialogue! I love fanfics that do this.
Next was Abby. Poor, poor Abby. First the paparazzi won't leave her alone and now she meets ol' tall, dark, and creepy and then her house catches fire?
No one in this universe can catch a break!
Jo chapter 3 . 12/10/2016
Ohhhh hell yea, this story got updated finally! It's a bit hard to imagine Richard like a normal father and a man with no visible flaws, but it could be that she was too young to notice any signs of who he was actually; though his wife should've been aware at least to some degree I think. Anyway can't wait for new chapter!
AmericanWildDog chapter 2 . 12/9/2016
I just want to comment that I absolutely love penwood XD. He keeps focusing on the bigger picture the whole time. Long lost relative? Who cares we have frickin' ZOMBIES AND VAMPIRE HELLSPAWN THAT WANT TO EAT US!
AmericanWildDog chapter 3 . 12/9/2016
Wait wasn't alucard suppose to wipe her memory or something? Or do future chapters rely on her knowing what happened?
I was a little skeptical on the first chapter but these next two have convinced me! Normally I'm not too keen on reading fics with OC's who are related t the main cast since most fics have them take over the whole thing and it's not enjoyable anymore. But you proved me wrong! Abigail is interesting and has a believable backstory on how she is related to Richard and how she lived in a lie. Not to mention the main story is still kept in motion with Abigail adding nice flows in-between. not to mention, all of her actions and reactions are,well...they are realistic as they can be for someone in her situation She's smart and resourceful but at the same time she's scared shitless, in denial over her father, and she isn't crazy strong or an expert with every weapon ever or anything like that.
You've lured me, hooked me, and now I don't want to let go of this fic.
Also you have my fav ot3 and my most favorite otp mentioned in the description!
I look forward to the next chapter!
Happy writing!
Guest chapter 2 . 2/24/2014
Interesting adaptation of the original plot. Can't wait for more chapters. Keep up the great work!
ArchNecromancer chapter 1 . 2/22/2014
I can haz moar?
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