Reviews for As Brothers We Will Stand
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24
Sam is an evil douche bag that deserved all the pain he got. We all know he revels in Dean’s pain
Guest chapter 28 . 8/28/2019
I Loved this story , it amazing , I don't know how I missed this one before . It's perfect , sad yes but perfect ... But i really think it needs an epilogue , and I don't know if the author will ever post one .. but it's wonderful anyway.
PriWinchester chapter 25 . 6/16/2019
years have this story and this chapter have a special place in my heart. sometimes u need a gd cry and this is one. it hurts so bad and knowing we have to let the brothers go this last season. cant even imagine
Calhadain chapter 15 . 3/3/2019
Oh my... i m not a review writer but your ripper my gut with this chapter. I m crying So hard all over my laptop. Such a well beautiful and sad story. And a beautiful painting of this two brothers. I m in the hall of the story and i dont Know il will manage the end of this...dry i think. Your a hell of a writer. Thank You So much. Greedings from France
RobinW chapter 24 . 2/22/2019
Ok you finally did it. You made me cry. This is so beautifulso heartbreaking.
RobinW chapter 15 . 2/21/2019
This is soooooooo sad! But so good!
Lala Sharada chapter 28 . 10/5/2018
Oh man, oh boy, I don't even know where to start. I first read this story a long time ago, back when I first started watching Spn, I think. I'm pretty sure I was following the updates on it, like you were still writing it when I first read it. Anyway, for some reason, I thought that I never finished reading the story and I just wanted to let you know, that this story constantly haunted me for years- in a heartbreakingly good way.
This story was always on my reading list every time I got back into Spn, because I thought I hadn't finished it. I just kept remembering it as the story with Kat-and-Parker-and Sam-has-cancer. And Whoo. Coming back to this story was just as heartbreaking as the first time around. I actually had to like stave off reading the last 10 chapters because I wasn't ready for all the angst and tears. And yeah, it still hurts.

Okay, ANYWAY, you are an amazing writer. Just from the summary I was hooked and needed to know more, and it unfolded into a really great, heart-wrenching story about brotherhood and family and love. And it's SO GOOD. I love Parker and Kat with all my heart. They were the perfect family for Sam, and honestly, when I think of Sam "happy in an AU somewhere," I think of him with Parker and Kat and Bullet. Well, like happy in an AU somewhere without his cancer, obviously.
...But that moment with Kat that Sam has with her at the hospital is so precious and special and so gratifying. When Kat hurts, I would hurt, and I just needed her to kiss her husband and smile. And she got that, and like thank you for writing that moment, because I needed it to heal a little bit, you know?

Also, I love Kat. A lot. I think you crafted a really strong character for her and to me, she seems like real? I guess? Like, I just want to know more about her and her past, and more about how she feels about Sam and the love she has for him. Like I want to KNOW. I was just attached to her and smitten with her instantly, as soon as she started helping Sam patch Dean up in the first chapter, my interest was peaked. You could literally do a stand-alone story solely about Kat and her life and I would be so happy. I think she's a great character with immense grace and strength, and you should really pat yourself on the back for creating her, like Kat's awesome.

And of course, I love the exploration of Sam and Dean's relationship. They'll always be at the core and the heart of a story, and the image of them shooting cans and driving around in the Impala one last time will always be something that sticks with me. I'm really interested in the sequel to see how Dean lives without Sam and see what he does. You write Sam and Dean so beautifully, too!

Ugh, I'm rambling, but just I cannot praise this story enough. It's heartbreaking, yes, but it's a good ache all the same. I can't wait to read the sequel and some of your other stories. I am happy I came back to this story a second time. It's so, so good.

Thank you for writing this and breathing life into these characters we love, the new and the old!

-Lala Sharada
thejazzwins chapter 28 . 10/19/2016
I was freaking bawling my eyes out. well done! loved the hunter tribute.
EmilyAnnMcGarrett-Winchester chapter 28 . 4/11/2016
I discovered this yesterday and finally finished it today. Very well written as my shattered heart can attest to. I have never cried as much over a fictional character as I did this. I'm planning to read the sequel you started after I recover a bit from this. Great job!
K chapter 2 . 12/18/2015
I really like it so far, it's really well-written. I love Kat and Parker is just adorable.
jraccon2003 chapter 1 . 10/15/2015
I love that you put quotes from the show in the story :)
deanstinydancer chapter 1 . 9/25/2015
I dont think I ever properly reviewed this...

I read this over a year ago. I was hooked instantly, once Dean stumbled on to the portch nearly bleeding to death...why does he do that to himself? As Brothers We Will Stand hit me really close to home. I lost my mom to that horrible disease. It took weeks to get through the last chapters. Once I got myself together I managed to get through it. I couldn't see through my tears for 90% of it. It felt like watching my mom fade away all over again. Those last days for Sam were so incredibly similar to my moms. I love this story. I may not be able to read it again for some time but I think about it a lot. You captured Deans emotion's so well. I tried so hard not to start greaving before she was gone. Denial at its finest. But those last few days you just know. You have to stay strong for them. I learned that from Dean. I can't tell you how much this killed me and I love to hate and hate to love this story. You've written this so incredibly well. I can't praise you enough but I'm sure gonna try. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. 3
PriWinchester chapter 28 . 5/24/2015
I have the link to the great wrenching but just full of emotions.
sunshine102897 chapter 28 . 2/6/2015
Honestly, I was getting through the story. I was like nah, they're not gonna kill Sam off. I was anxiously awaiting the return of Castiel to save him. And then it didn't happen. Never cried over something so much in my life other than the season 9 finale ...the second time around reading it out loud to my mom I probably cried even more. Thank you so much for this story...favorite fanfiction ever.
PriWinchester chapter 29 . 11/17/2014
Can i have the link to the sequel? Thank story
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