Reviews for Full Deck
Difdi chapter 4 . 8/5/2019
No Earth-Minbari war, but an Earth-Minbari alliance as Dukat intended? That's going to seriously mess with the Shadows...
Guest chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
looks interesting...
Guest chapter 3 . 1/16/2017
sharpe26 chapter 2 . 1/16/2017
Im definetly interested in seeing a lot more from Hidden Destiny. However im also interested in seeing what Commander Cain might do with Princes Ardala...
Guest chapter 1 . 3/27/2016
UVlite chapter 4 . 2/9/2016
You mentioned of these 5 prologues we vote on which to continue
I vote the SG1 Brit BSG Hidden Destiny

Although this B5 one was also very intresting.

It was nice to see a B5 fic where the Earth Minbari war never happened.

Unless I am misunderstanding this accident I do find the accident that caused this to happen unlikly. Even if the unbilicle ignited wouldn't there be valves that would stop the back flame from reaching the main fuel storage tanks and even then asuming both pipes were in the same umbilicle the back flame would stop once the umbilicle was burnt. The fuel tanks would be completly seperate not a mix of Hydrogen and oxygen the amount of fuel in the umbilicle exploding would not be anywhere near enough to wreck the ship.
Darksider chapter 2 . 8/16/2015
Holy Pax Brittanica!

i never realised how much I wanted this until i read it. If you find yourself wanting to write a novel...? **THROWS MONEY AT THE SCREEN**

Seriously though, a great read and a great concept. Thanks for that!
axel100 chapter 3 . 1/13/2015
Did I ever mention my idea for a Dr. Who fanfiction where the Doctor is joined by another Timelord called the Professor? No? Thats because I would never seriously dare to write it. One of my rules for enjoying fanfiction is that canon should be respected. Deviate from that at your own risk. So when the UK shows up with its own battle fleet, my only reaction is where did this come from? I know Stargate is overwhelmingly US centric but that was fairly obvious from the original movie onward. The offworld exploration and alien contacts are mostly made by American teams. The expanded role of the UK commonwealth forces (where have they been hiding their own stargate and spaceship building program?) just isn't organic to the show. But this is fanfiction after all and an author must go where the muse leads. Hmm...Maybe I should have the Professor be the Doctor's long lost brother.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/4/2015
While the last one, a Buffy crossover with Xander as the main protagonist it looks like, seems to be an interesting idea, it doesn't come close to "Hidden Destiny" in my mind. This take on a different Stargate back-story is by far my favorite of all your prologues. Many other authors have done something along these lines, but I've seen few that did more than test the waters (and slowly abandon their ideas).
Scarlet RHINE chapter 2 . 12/18/2014
PLEASE complete this story. i's too too good to allow to gather dust.
Tscorpio1701 chapter 4 . 12/17/2014
This sounds like an interesting fic. I haven't seen an idea like this that often.
axel100 chapter 2 . 12/15/2014
It was fun to see British orbital vessels if somewhat a little confusing. Politically, there is no way in heck something like them makes it thru Britich government appropriations. Still this is fantasy and its fun to imagine a Royal Navy(Yes I know Airforce) that can actually throw its weight around. The other remaining issue if how any of these ships are a surprise. I suppose some creative backstory can be imagined that in no way owes allegiance to the US Stargate program but why introduce additional complexity into an already crowded mythology. Hidden Destiny reamains a fun little What if? among the SG verse but beyond that, I'll stick to the canon and works rooted in it.
Barricade chapter 5 . 12/15/2014
Oh dear god I actually remember the cartoon this chapter is based on.

Reikson chapter 5 . 12/14/2014
I don't get it.
The Doctor chapter 5 . 8/7/2014
I found 'Hidden Destiny' both enjoyable, ironic, and reminded me of some recent experiences... I'm most intrigued to see where you take it next. Allons-y! :)
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