Reviews for The Way to a Man's Heart is Through His Stomach
Neko-fire demon tempest chapter 1 . 10/16/2017
Ryou's to cute
aesthetically useless chapter 1 . 1/22/2017
Humorous, cute and fluffy. Perfeeect!
mew-tsubaki chapter 1 . 3/29/2015
WOW. Oh my Merlin... Perfect.

Firstly, I feel as though there's a dearth of Aosaku, let alone /decent/ Aosaku. So I'm conflicted because this is such a good one...but I see that I've read all you have for them. D: Please write them more! You've got them down pat! -w-

Secondly, despite a few minor typos, this was a pleasure to read because your writing's quite good and you /know grammar/. Sadly, a lot of people on this site don't, and potentially good stories go unread because the poor grammar's such a distraction...

Anywho, the actual story. I like that it was short and sweet. And Aomine's pretty thick, but even /he/ had to figure out (kind of) what was going on. Go figure that someone else would tell him out loud what he'd already been feeling. Aomine and Sakurai's interaction at the end was perf, too... Cuties.

I have, I think, 3 favorite things about this fic: a) the description of the bentou (I could easily picture them in my mind, and maybe even smell/taste them, *lol* - that's figurative speech for you, I guess), b) Sakurai taking such advice from Momoi, and c) Sakurai's "really hating to lose" attitude being used in such a scenario. That is /definitely/ him, and a part of his personality I feel a lot of fan tends to forget - but why? It's such a good thing to employ in a fic! :O (Oddly enough, you using it reminded me I need to write/finish sequels to two of my own Aosaku fics...whoops. -_-;)

But the ending. *hugs Ryou* I love seeing him be confident, and pocketing the letter, which was his obvious last-ditch effort in case the aho had been too aho to connect the dots. Aomine's idea of a date...also nice.

MAN! It just makes me wanna draw loads of Aosaku...!

Thanks for such a nice break from editing my school journal, Sylindara. And write some more Aosaku! *meanwhile, mew will peruse the rest of your stories when more free time comes around*

*favs, obvo*

-mew! :3
Melmel Phase chapter 1 . 6/6/2014
Aww! Super cute Rai is so adorable, trying to make Daiki fall for him. So sweet.
Fujoshi-tan chapter 1 . 2/25/2014
Well this was simple and cute. Very fluffy and just with the right words and reactions from the characters.