Reviews for A War Is Coming
The High Warlock of Glitter chapter 43 . 6/18/2015
To say the truth, I don't know what to say. This story was so great! I adore stories with demons, princes of Hell etc and you gaveme exactly what I wanted :)
Sometimes I had tears in my eyes ,sometimes I wanted to laugh. And Is stayed up till like 3 AM to finish some chapters because I just couldn't resist!
And, what's even better, you used Adam Lambert's songs! I mean, there's no amazing Malec ff without him xD
Stay amazing! I'm looking forwardmto read more of your Malec stories !
Calea chapter 43 . 2/11/2015
This is by far one of the most beautiful fan fictions I have ever read, and I hope you actually read this review so that you can know how much my standard has Dian once I read this. It's almost like Cassandra Clare herself wrote this. In the future, I'll probably get confused with details from fanfictions I've read and the actual stories. You are the sort of person that isn't afraid to kill off some characters, which is necessary for the plot. I personally can never find it in me, which can make some of my writing boring. Making the beginning/middle of the last chapter so heart-wrenching made everything that happened next all the better. I look forward to the sequel and keep it up! You are amazing!
Calea chapter 23 . 2/10/2015
Or he could just warn Izzy and get a bunch of Shadowhunters to... Well... Shadow her? And what the fuck is Clary doing during all this?! Excuse my French.
Callie chapter 7 . 2/10/2015
Eh, I'm going for backstabbing. Never trust Envy...
Guest chapter 43 . 12/23/2014
1) Guest guest and guest are the same person. ME.


3) You, my friend, are an excellent author. I strongly reccomend pursuing a career in writing, just like Cassie Clare , Rick Riordan and co. Im sure your books would be as good as theirs!
Lindsey chapter 44 . 11/26/2014
Hey, this is Lindsey, I'm not logged in. Normally I'd report this, but because it's you I wont. But when you post a new chapter, maybe you could delete this and add it in there, because someone else could still report you and I really, really, REALLY don't want to see this whole story deleted.

You could also get banned, nits a rule.
Lindsey7618 chapter 43 . 11/18/2014
My Gods, you made me cry harder then ever before...except when the-thing-that-shall-not-be-named happened in page 511, or Percabeth fell into Tartarus...

I just think that you didn't do enough for their reunion. I was picturing Alec rushing into Magnus and crying and hugging him tight.
red wolf chapter 43 . 11/18/2014
Finally, I got a chance to update on reading your story. I was so afraid that Magnus won't wake up, but it's great that he's awake. The end is perfect, and I can't wait for the sequel.
TattleTales chapter 43 . 11/18/2014
I thought this was a really good end to this part of the story. It seemed like a natural place to leave it, but also left a lot of things to keep us excited about the sequel. The whole chapter was so beautifully written; I could really feel the emotions (especially poor Alec- he really went on an emotional rollercoaster!), and the funeral scene was also very moving. I'm looking forward to the sequel! Thank you!
Intoxic chapter 43 . 11/17/2014
I start with the fact that it shocked me when Robert cried on Maryse's funeral. Like truly shocked, I'd never took him for a man that cries.
Of course that Alec wouldn't leave Magnus, Robert should understand it in the first place.
I'm confused by Lucifer. I mean, is it his tactic that he told Magnus that he can get out of this coma because he's the one that 'created' it? Or he cares for his son?
I liked the end, it was really good.
Now, I can't wait for the sequel.
Keep up your great work!
Guest chapter 42 . 11/12/2014
OMG OMG THANK YOU FOR RUINING MY LIFE! ((As in being an awesome author and being the newest Cassie Clare))
Guest chapter 38 . 11/11/2014
Where did Tartarus come from?
Guest chapter 23 . 11/4/2014
God, just get Alec injured already.
Crazymalecfan chapter 42 . 11/5/2014
Wow, amazing chapter! Catarina is right, sometimes just being there helps a lot more than words do.
Although it wouldn't be easy for them to forgive Robert I think it would be best if they tried to as staying together and supporting each other as a family would be better for them all.
I really hope Magnus is okay... Please let him be okay!
Can't wait for the sequel. :)
TattleTales chapter 42 . 11/4/2014
Thank you for another great chapter! I loved the scene with Alec and Izzy and how they support each each other. I would find it hard to forgive Robert too but with Maryse gone he is all they have left so maybe they will try and work through their problems, idk? I'm hoping for a happy ending to this part of the story with Magnus waking up... And looking forward to the sequel, I am intrigued!
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