Reviews for The Hollow
Swurve chapter 3 . 3/29/2015
I like this bonnie
I know it's been a while plz update
Guest chapter 3 . 10/17/2014
Really great story. Bonnie the selfless witch needs to become selfish and live for herself an not that bunch of idiotic so called friends. Loving this. Please update and I hope more people will read this and review.
leni18 chapter 3 . 10/15/2014
I found this really great to be honest. It was short but it conveyed everything it had to. I was surprised about the outcome, I wouldn't have expected her to tell Stefan to run but really what I wouldn't give to see sth. like this on the show. Thanks for updating ;)
bluemagicrose chapter 3 . 10/14/2014
oh bonnie, even when angry always helping other people. i was hoping she'd despell stefan's ring at the very least. but bonnie's a better person than i am.
i'm interested to see how this klaus dynamic works out.
she's gotta tell someone eventually. i wonder who it'll be. i really love this fic. glad you updated it.
mrs.anitra chapter 3 . 10/14/2014
Damnnnn Bonnie...
twitchytwain chapter 2 . 10/13/2014
Ooh I hate Jeremy! lol I love the edginess in your stories (I think your other one is the Elena/Damon/Bonnie triangle) i'm officially a fan ;)
Sina chapter 3 . 10/13/2014
Love it. I'm not all that surprised that Stefan betrayed her all in the name of Elena. Hate that on the show it just takes the mention of Elenas name for Bonnie to risk her life.
bluemagicrose chapter 2 . 6/17/2014
so this story is AMAZING so far and I'm sincerely disappointed that it only has 6 reviews. (although i need to blame myself a little for that). bonnie's behavior since knowing of her impending death is realistic and in character and where i think a lot of people wish it had gone during this past season (i didn't watch but i've seen enough talk about it around tumblr to know the general consensus). this sounds weird but i hope bonnie dies in this, simply because i'd like to see a story where she dies but it's about her. obviously her finding a way to be saved isn't bad (and yay bonnie is alive) but in your fic we get her mindset, her feelings (even if they're at a point where she feeling but not feeling them) and just generally where she's at. it's refreshing and something that's definitely not seen in the show and rarely seen in fanfic.
so this is absolutely fantastic, i love this story, you should absolutely be getting more reviews/favs/follows, and keep up the good work! :)
leni18 chapter 2 . 6/17/2014
Wow, just wow! I don't even know, I've read chapter 1 but now I'm a little confused. Chap 1 ended with Bonnie and Damon in her bedroom, just being there for each other. Was she still with Jeremy at that time? I thought he was a non-factor. But you said some chapters aren't directly connected to the previous one. Anyway I'm glad they're over now! And what the hell, Bonnie is missing some organs? I really hope Damon will find out somehow! Excited for the next ;)
Shoeshiner chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
Honestly the scene in the utility closet is both funny yet sad.
The way she hurts in these ways and no one notices.
Your writing is great and these descriptions just have me trippy.
But it sucks that Damon would just revel in her pain like that but i get why he'd do it. It you got hurt but someone else got hurt even worse, it'd be enough to distract you from your pain even if only for a little while.
It's interesting how she puts her emotions away like that but i'm assuming they'll come to the surface soon.
Lulu12 chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
I know these songs and they are amazing. This album is perfect and you are doing it so much justice. Update soon.
Cici G chapter 1 . 3/8/2014
I'm looking forward to more.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/7/2014
This is a very intriguing story. It seems like bonnie's going off the deep end. I liked the part where you were describing Damon watching her in her dream drowning and then grams pulls her up :( great start and I liked how you made Damon meet bonnie first instead of elena. It would make sense that he'd met her before elena because he was supposed to protect the bennetts. Anyways I love this like a lot.
leni18 chapter 1 . 3/7/2014
Really intrigued to see where this is going ;)