Reviews for Cycle
Catopath chapter 60 . 7/19
Every time Robin pats Papa Risen I imagine Berserk 2016 pan sound effect. It's glorious.
V01dSw0rd chapter 60 . 7/11
“A trial you MUST overcomereads ‘MOSTA body IS once swam in no morewas that meant to be ‘I’?I wonder WHEN that was...
Was that ‘quiet voice’ Naga? Or was it that man... who WAS that?

You do know that you can fight Grima in Shadows of Valentia, right? Is one of Grima’s memories going to tie into ‘Alm’s SwordAKA the Royal Blade?

“What the Einherjar could meanwhat? What’s being referred to? After all, they didn’t get mentioned here...
“When the FILE restraint snapsI think you meant FINAL)

I hope they recruit Vasto as well as Tharja. I think he’d get along with Fredrick, maybe even Chrom as well...

I wonder how Lucina will react to the General... Chrom as well. (Worry, on his partdefinitely...)
MarkedPariah chapter 60 . 6/23
Wow, so sorry for not writing the reviews for your other chapters but I just caught up. You absolutely nailed the reunion scene at the end there.

Thank you for sharing your story with us I favorited it so I could see the future updates!
MarkedPariah chapter 34 . 6/19
Okay the sagely advice at the end was ducking hilarious. The rest of this chapter was awesome too.
DeadLastDobe chapter 60 . 6/16
MY HAPPY HAPPY HEART. I CANTTHIS CHAPTER. I'M ABOUT TO CRY. PLEASE NEVER STOP , PLEASE. Out of ever fanfiction EVER, that I have read. This one is always brilliantly written , I cannot think of a single negative thing. It's perfect! I've read many things over the last 15 years and this justMarry me. The past 3 years reading this and rereading, I never grew tired. I finally caught up (At a snails speed on purpose), and I am so impressed.

I've seen other fictions written wayy too sloppily, and have more reviews, It's unfair! This piece of writing is a masterpiece, almost the same aspect of Attack on Titans Lorebrilliant!

I got my fill of Chrom for the day, time to fantasize. Thank you for this chapter. I hope your issues with the shipping get resolved . If you have a discord, please add me! I'd love to game or chat sometime. Deadlast#9428
Derpydude9001 chapter 60 . 6/4
Just caught up and I have got to say, this is one of my favorite fics that I have read. I am eagerly awaiting more!
Xoroth chapter 60 . 6/1
An amazing chapter. Well worth the wait.
guest chapter 1 . 5/25
this fic is truly incredible and wonderful. all your characters and writing are so well done, truly thank you for it!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/24
It is waaay too lame of a charecter. Seriously, her name should be damsel in distress instead of Robin. Despite having meta knowledge all she ever does is sramble and get in trouble. Its a discount Mary Sue. You write well but poor plot and this miserable joke of "tactician" is too irrational to handle.
lisis chapter 1 . 5/21
I read up to around chapter 40 at some point a few years ago. I've come back to catch up—your story is one of the very few to stick in my head longterm. The prose is merely functional, though certainly better than most 'competitor' fanfiction. However, the plot is original and imaginative and works with the material available in a wonderful way very few other stories do, without being bound by that material, while maintaining an appropriate tone. The emotional beats are vivid. I enjoyed reading this story the first time I found it and I hope to enjoy reading the chapters you've added since then.
kalmaegi chapter 60 . 5/20
The revelation that slowly drove the other Robin (Grima) insane makes me fear for this budding family. Whether it be the weary General and the twins, or Lucina and her lost family. I just want each set of Robin's family to be happy without the expense of another.

It's a bit funny how her jest ("Not die a virgin") was actually taken into consideration since the formal request was so broad. I enjoyed the history dump of the lost magicks and curses, even the bitter taste of complicated human mentality of "Us vs Them" from the bar right.

From the General's resignation at the inevitable reveal that would surely break his daughter's heart to the uplifting heartwarming reunion with Chrom and heart is bursting with feelings.
ragnarok042501 chapter 60 . 5/12
This is a great read and I thank you for continuing to write these chapters and for giving more depth to the characters most often put aside.

Basically, this is that good shit.
Sian chapter 60 . 5/12
Words long***
Sian chapter 60 . 5/12
How does it feel to have a story over a million worlds long? :D
Sian chapter 60 . 5/7
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