Reviews for The Detective and The Artist
Applejax XD chapter 26 . 8/19/2018
that was great XD
leo0821 chapter 11 . 5/28/2018
I am thoroughly enjoying your story, and if your sense of humor is anything like Ciarans we would have very enjoyable conversations. Keep up the good work.
Cow chapter 2 . 6/16/2017
Um what happened to Johnlock
Kris chapter 26 . 12/3/2016
The ending is a bit abrupt. Maybe a little more...?
BurnedSpy chapter 23 . 11/22/2015
please update soon
SnowKi chapter 21 . 4/28/2015
more pleaz 3
GracefulDancingWolf chapter 21 . 2/13/2015
:( sorry to hear your life's throwing you curveballs left and right. :(
Excellent chapter! LOVEITLOVEITLOVEIT!
Can't wait for more! (but I can actually, take your time. :) Hope life starts giving you daisies instead of weeds soon.)
ladytokyo chapter 20 . 1/20/2015
Omg I need an update!
GracefulDancingWolf chapter 20 . 1/19/2015
Double update?! Wow!
LOVE both of them. Absolutely love them. And Ciaran's back! :)
GracefulDancingWolf chapter 18 . 12/28/2014
Not panicking. Not panicking.
Can't wait to find out what happens next! Sherlock won't be badly hurt, will he? Don't answer that yet. I'll find out in the next chapter!
GracefulDancingWolf chapter 17 . 12/21/2014
Confusing! Is it Ciaran? His brothers? Can't wait for more!
GracefulDancingWolf chapter 16 . 12/21/2014
NOOOO! Please tell me he gets back with Ciaran! Please don't let him be lonely!
This is not helped by the fact that I saw The Battle of the Five Armies yesterday and, despite reading The Hobbit three times in the last two months, still cried at the deaths and the romance.
See you again shortly in chapter 17.
GracefulDancingWolf chapter 15 . 10/4/2014
:(...I actually did think you were that devious...but maybe there's a fake name...probs not though.
I reviewed twice? Hmm. Only chapters 12 and 13. :)
Oldest of Ciaran has an interesting family... can't wait to read more!
GracefulDancingWolf chapter 13 . 8/18/2014
AUGH! Secrets! Oh well. I'll live.
Love it love it love it love it!
Waited to read this for the first day of school. Made my day getting to do something fun. :)
Can't wait for your next update!
Kinkylittlewolf chapter 12 . 7/27/2014
Lol Yes I am in fact female and yes the picture as my avatar is actually me (in all honesty I've never agreed with or understood when people use other people's pictures, the not-drawings-actual-pictures kind, as their own.). :3
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