Reviews for The Highgrove Ritual
Diane Taylor chapter 4 . 12/19/2019
Loved this story. It was a great mystery, lots of excitement and danger, and a lovely ending. Thanks so much for writing.
doctorjay chapter 4 . 10/12/2016
Great story! Suspense and action and a bit of canon-worthy supernatural creepiness. Bamf! John is always welcome. Plus h/c with Sherlock. What's not to like?
Random Ruth chapter 4 . 2/3/2016
DON'T DRINK THE TEA I cry in vain. Fantastic story once again. :)
Janara chapter 4 . 2/19/2015
Lovely story, you've got their voices just right. I do hope you get to write those books, I can't wait to read them.
englishtutor chapter 4 . 2/5/2015
I am so glad I finally found the time to read your compelling story. This was absolutely brilliant-well-written, fascinating, insightful, and thoroughly enjoyable. I especially loved John's flashbacks-so very moving-and Sherlock's realization in the end that he had underestimated John. Thank you for a fun ride!
librarywitch chapter 4 . 1/17/2015
Fantastic! Brilliant! Love the mystery and the very last paragraph. Well done.
becgate chapter 4 . 1/4/2015
Super awesome ! Amazing story! ! Loved every word! ! Especially loved John's flashbacks of being in the army and your version of what happened to him.
AutumnAtMidnite chapter 4 . 11/14/2014
To say this was incredible would be a massive understatement. In fact, while I've been away for a good while, have been with the Sherlock fandom literally since day one, and out of the innumerable fics read during that time, this is among the very best of them.

The plotting was labyrinthine (the fact I could not figure it out actually surprised me more than that ending), the relationship drawn between Sherlock and John really quite spot on, their voices pitch perfect and the pacing nail-biting. I also may have burst something squeeing at your book!Canon references, especially, but not limited to, Sherlock never getting John's limits :)

In short, you have single-handedly restored my faith in in the fic of this fandom. So truly, thank you for such an enjoyable read.
xxyzz chapter 4 . 11/5/2014
Love this! Well thought out and interesting insight into the characters.
nimagine chapter 4 . 8/4/2014
Omg omg omg omg. So brilliant. Not what I was expecting, to be sure, but great nonetheless. The bit at the end was so desperately insightful and wonderful. I'v enecer seen that parallel drawn before and I treasure it; eecially be ause it applies both to this particular incarnation of our favorite detective, but also to e original, and those are the stories that really count. I thank you for this brilliant and thrilling narrative. Rock on, my friends!
nimagine chapter 2 . 8/3/2014
That army flashback moved me to tears and made me s,am my fist against the wall. I don't read army fiction but that was a chilling and horrifying peek. Which I'm sure was the intent. Wow wow wow, this is great. See you next chapter!
nimagine chapter 1 . 8/3/2014
A brilliant start. Can't wait to read the rest. And I've noticed another mention of this 'Lionheart' business... Will that ever get cleared up? Only time will tell! Onto the next chapter!
ijustsigneduptofollow chapter 4 . 7/31/2014

What a denouement.

Creepy creepy creepy, in the best of ways. Loved the showdown, with just enough of a tinge of the unknown. I totally did not see the bad guy's motive coming, and yet it was completely plausible when laid out.

And the little character study of John and Sherlock at the end... just lovely.

In short, marvelous job and I will be rereading this.
ijustsigneduptofollow chapter 3 . 7/31/2014
...uh oh.

This does not bode well for our intrepid pair.

Loved the touch with John pointing out the hidden camera... but it's the eighth one Sherlock's noticed. That is very in character and very hilarious.
ijustsigneduptofollow chapter 2 . 7/31/2014
Oh, NICELY done.

Loved how vividly you drew the firefight- very gripping. And to then be pulled out of John's flashback by a twit saying 'wish I had been there' (really? REALLY? Can you not read social cues or see your guest's distress at all, dude?) was very effectively disorienting. Hopefully I'm getting the point across that I find this chapter extremely effective and a totally believable backstory for John.

And Highgrove better watch out or Sherlock's going to punch him!
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