Reviews for One year
kdgteacher7 chapter 40 . 7/5
I really enjoyed this story! Any chance you'd write a brief sequel?
foreverautumn99 chapter 20 . 1/19
3 is awful
foreverautumn99 chapter 19 . 1/19
ProfessorMMAD chapter 40 . 11/21/2018
OMG I need more I love This so much
misszenobell chapter 40 . 4/23/2018
Wonderful, I thoroughly enjoyed this!
NEGirl chapter 40 . 10/16/2016
Wow. Such a fun and interesting way of doing ff! I had to chuckle from time to time when votes tended toward the, how shall I say... 'intimate' side of things! As I've read this so long after it was posted I found myself eagerly checking the next chapter tonsee if the masses voted the way I would have. Sometimes they did, sometimes not. This was great! Bravo.
NEGirl chapter 16 . 10/14/2016
NEGirl chapter 13 . 10/14/2016
I've read a few stories where Elsie's had a child or miscarriage... But I'm not a believer. I think she was innocent until she married Carson..."I'm not a woman of the world..." love these snippets!
seareader chapter 13 . 8/6/2015
Rereading this (i love all you chelsie writers for giving me something i can procrastinate with but is short enough i can kick my ass out of... I dont think i have picked up a novel this summer!) and through what we know now, i truly believe she found it hard to leave becky behind, who i am sure she has taken care of like a motherly older sister would... Anyway a bit of retcon that popped into my head while reading. These snapshot drabbles are such lovely escapes.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/4/2015
Doing some re-reading, this was cute.
Kissman chapter 40 . 7/30/2014
This is has been a wonderful, unique, exciting and emotional adventure of a story. And what a beautiful ending for it, too. Thank you for all the hard work you put into each and every choice and for generously sharing the path of the story with us. It's really quite something, and I hope you are very proud of it.
BrittanyLS chapter 40 . 7/29/2014
Absolutely perfect!
Mona Love chapter 40 . 7/29/2014
I couldn't have imagined a more perfect ending. Simply beautiful, my dear :) I've loved being an active participant in getting our lovely Chelsie to this point :) A great adventure! :) xoxoxo
onmyside chapter 40 . 7/29/2014
Perfect ending to a perfect story. God I LOVED this one soo sooo much! Thanks for coming up with such a brilliant idea and for inventing 2-3 storylines for each chapter. It's lovely to see that so many people honoured your work with reviews!
evitamockingbird chapter 40 . 7/29/2014
Whee hoo! This has been a lovely ride! I'm so glad they've gone off to be happy together away from Downton Abbey. Mr. Carson, the postmaster - very good! Just because he's not the butler of the big house doesn't mean he can't find success and happiness in the area. Yay! A sweet chapter to end this adventure. I love how happy they are. Just wonderful. Well done!
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