Reviews for Hot in the Hamptons
castle2126 chapter 27 . 12/7/2019
Both the character were nothing like Canon both
We're childish and immature and way more OOC
SeannysMom chapter 27 . 7/19/2015
Very good and sweet story ! Thank you
Lynn chapter 5 . 4/1/2015
sorry I got this far and I decided that you are probably very young and thats fine. But this is sort of an immature way to write a story about the two castle characters. I am not trying to be insulting . You write very well. But Kate comes accross here as a bit of a skank!. If she was such an easy mark, I don't think the Castle character, who remember is a middle aged man and she is a mature woman even at the start of the story would be interested in her for long!

any way I just can't see the Beckett character being put forward as such a wanton sleezy character. So bye! wish you well in your writing. I'm sure many will accept this story.
fictionreader5 chapter 26 . 1/11/2015
Great story. Really hope you do a sequel.
Larry Holmes chapter 27 . 1/2/2015
Nice...really, truly fantastic! Thanks.
FDWojo chapter 22 . 1/2/2015
Well, I've really been enjoying the story so far, but I just had to say that the sex scene in the beginning was kinda gross. Yeah, I know, to each, their own. But that was not my own idea of a good sex scene.

Aside from that, keep up the good work on the story.

ucsbdad chapter 27 . 1/1/2015
Very, very good. Thanks for sharing.
kerry.mildon chapter 26 . 12/31/2014
Sequel sequel sequel
Raq'uel85 chapter 27 . 12/31/2014
Yes! Sequel!
tscott1224 chapter 23 . 12/31/2014
Your last four chapters of your wonderful story disappeared before I could read them. Could you put them back up?
life's a mystery chapter 27 . 12/31/2014
great story but I do feel this story could go into their life back in New York and wedding planning/family and so on :)
uofmcowgirl chapter 24 . 12/31/2014
Aww...very good chapter and welcome back. Hope your mom is recovering speedily and all is getting somewhat back to sane for you! If I don't get another chapter before the end of the night, Happy New Year!
TORONTOSUN chapter 23 . 11/22/2014
I don't think anything is going to be good for Rick. With 3 women in the same house. He is in so much trouble. :)
FDWojo chapter 23 . 11/20/2014
Well, for me personally, I'm not pissed at you at all. The story is a lot of fun with a good sized chunk of "fluff" in there, which is nice. I will admit to being disappointed about the long delays in between chapters. . I hope you can post more often, but aside from that, the content of the story is still good.

Disneynut chapter 23 . 11/18/2014
I'm still here, keep it coming!
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