Reviews for Oliver's Exotic Adventure
Geanne chapter 2 . 7/25/2005
M... Kilts. Yum!
Ash. because I'm the Girl Anachronism. oh yeah i kick ass. wierd little dance chapter 1 . 8/29/2004
interesting and unique pairing there... this ones constructive criticsm, hope you dont mind, but if ya do, just skip the bad part.

Good Part: For the most part, it was funny and very interesting to read, simply because I found it unique and a very challenging thing to write and you managed to somehow pull it off. Go you.

Bad part: To me, most of it was a little rushed, and there wasn't much reason behind the snape/olly relationship, ya know, like why would oliver like this seemingly old hag in the first place or why snape would like a little gryffindor "child" those are just some examples. Maybe if you put a little bit of reason behind it, it would make a little bit more sense.

Other good part: Another good adjective- creative. Yeah, I forgot that one. Here's another "Go you"... Go you. Hope you update soon I'd love to read more of it.

The whole "kilt-thing" was great!

Kleine Snowdrop chapter 4 . 1/13/2003
NOOOOOOOO you cant end it there. I want more. Its really well written. Stupid Lucius always getting in the way
BRC chapter 4 . 11/8/2002

And here be the reveiw!

Yey Snape!

He so sexy everyone want a bit o' action wid him!

...*big grin*

Oh, quidditch, lots of people...what will happen?

Lucius was characterised very well. Arrogant and swarve...and lushious!

Poor Ollie... what Oh what will happen?

Will Wilks become an avid stalker? Will Snaoe and Ollie make up?

Will Lucius give me his pimp cane?

Next chapter!
Anaxandra1 chapter 3 . 11/2/2002

I never really liked snape, but you make him sound even more disgusting. And oliver still falls for him?

But it's still a good story so full steam ahead.
xanpetuk chapter 3 . 10/29/2002
weird pairing - more, please?
BRC chapter 3 . 10/29/2002

Snapey Ollie action!

And a cameo!

Yey! keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep going!

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Can sevvy wear a kilt by the end of this? An nice black and dark green?... oh geting all giddy!

BRC chapter 2 . 10/22/2002

Fuck her and call it quits... honestly child...

That was good!

Keep going!

Snapes better than fleur anyday...
Guest chapter 1 . 10/18/2002
I like your story. Interesting pairing...much potential. I found the Scottish was hard to read, though. And, could you put more explanation for McGonagol being in that aspect of his life?

BRC chapter 1 . 10/18/2002
'Whit if eh wint blows an'-

'Be prood ay it, bairn,' Golly tapped him fatherly on his shoulder and smiled again.

-how scottish is that? I'll never look at a kilt the same way. I'll be heckling 'ach, be prood'

haha, that's soo funny.

Yey, that was good, keep going... I want the juicy stuff.

I think people who arent so aquainted to the scots might be confused though. Never mind, it's their loss...

oh and Golly? Any connection to Golly from TV and your granddad?