Reviews for A Star Among Darkness
Princess Aaliyah chapter 42 . 9/27
I really like your stories but is Joey going to get married and have kids too? He is my favorite character. I think it would be funny to see Joey's kids messing with Kaiba and his kids because I don't really like the Joey bashing that much. Since Joey has a Phoenix guardian shouldn't he have a bigger purpose in this story? Like be with an OC who has powers and they both change for the better or go on some journey to find himself and come out much happier and successful? Update soon please
Guest chapter 41 . 8/5
Give that baby back both tiki and that baby deserve happy
I happy for kisa but not misacarriage I hate that part
Guest chapter 41 . 8/5
Nooooo not miscarriage
I don't care what reason, tiki can't not lose innocent baby
Guest chapter 41 . 8/4
I wish god give that unborn baby second life again
I don’t like miscarriage part
Guest chapter 41 . 8/3
I wish unborn baby Live as well ?
Angel chapter 41 . 8/3
I happy for Kisa to be adopted but I fell sorry unborn child
I wish you could reconsider other option one doesn’t involve miscarriage or abortion
Tiki is my favourite character and both she and unborn baby didn’t deserve such sad thing
I wish it should be miracle for both then Kisa can come to their life after birth of second baby
Guest chapter 41 . 8/3
I can’t accept miscarriage for tiki
Guest chapter 41 . 8/3
No no you can’t make tiki miscarriage, it not fair
Why can’t you make after baby birth, there can adopted Kisa
Noa could have both real and adopted sibling
swetha19012000 chapter 41 . 8/2
dont worry tiki god will take of your baby and who know maybe you will see your baby in heaven
Samantha chapter 41 . 8/1! The ectopic pregnancy really got me in the feels there, poor Tiki. But, a door closes, a window opens, right? I always knew Tiki would return to her childhood orphanage, especially with Kaiba, and she would see the head nun again! Everything about Kisa just falls into place perfectly. Being Kisara's reincarnation and the 4th BEWD is pure genius! And the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, a creature that Kaiba, her adopted father, created, is her guardian angel! Brilliant! Finally, a fanfic where Kisara's reincarnation is not Kaiba's love interest because there're so many of those, it gets boring fast. Noa and Kisa being siblings fills my heart to brim with fluffy joy! God bless!
Samantha chapter 40 . 8/1
YASSS! Wedding bells ring for Tiki and Seto! And the fact that Noa actually helped picked out Tiki's dress gives me cavities it's so sweet! A possible partnership between the Kaibas and Von Schroeders...sounds interesting. As far as honeymoons go, you can never go wrong with Paris! Kaiba treating his wife like a princess...seriously, what woman doesn't need a man like that in her life?
Classic Lovers chapter 40 . 7/1
Curdie: There's a spark inside us
That we can all ignite
And all that's dark inside us
Will flicker into light..

There's a power in every breath
There's a power in every note
A power that starts within the heart
A power that rises through the throat

And when it sails up through the air
More beautiful than any prayer
This power can right all wrong
And it will always thrill the ear
Of those who have the power to hear
The magic of a song

There's a strong inside us
That tells us wrong from right
Becomes a song inside us
To chase away the night

A Spark Inside Us (The Princess and the Goblin)
Guest chapter 39 . 6/29
Please next any one
Guest chapter 38 . 5/22
Come on next
MoonyKunai chapter 38 . 5/19
Information for Seto, even though he should have looked it up himself by now...Conception may take place as soon as three minutes after sexual intercourse, or it may take up to five days. Implantation occurs five to 10 days after fertilization, which means anywhere from five to 15 days after you had sex. So the Month Seto was gone, since he left right after Tiki would have been either exactly one month pregnant or 2 weeks pregnant when she found out. pregnancy symptoms like tender breasts, nausea, fatigue, sensitivity to smell or bloating within days after conception, or about a week-and-a-half before your period is scheduled to arrive. Seto needs to read some baby guide, his own Babbies for dummies book. _'
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