Reviews for Vigilantia Pretium Libertatis
Guest chapter 36 . 1/20/2019
... my favorite fanfiction in Shingeki no Kyojin fandom.
And thank you, thank you so much for making it nearly ship-free, not focusing on romance unlike most authors 3 The asexual me really appreciates it!
[Sorry for splitting this review in two, I accidentally hit "post review" in the middle of typing it on my phone _]
Guest chapter 36 . 1/20/2019
Tbh, I kind of expected Armin to die and was okay with it... or so I thought. I was surprised to find myself so happy and relieved when he actually survived.
What can I say except: great story, definitely worth rereading to catch all the small hints and foreshadowing that I may have missed at first, not knowing where the story would go.
Oh boy, what an adventure!
I absolutely loved it. The interactions between the characters, the mysteries... everything was brilliant.
This might
Guest chapter 26 . 1/19/2019
Whoa, this chapter...
Why would you do this to me? T.T
Anyway, I have to admit this story has become really interesting... and very, very sad.
And I absolutely love it.
Guest chapter 14 . 1/17/2019
This is probably my favorite chapter so far. I enjoy Armin's narration the most so I was more than okay with the length :) I'm starting to put all of this together and I love it.
Though I didn't see Marco's death coming, not like that - painfully similar to the way he died in the original series :(
Anyway, great job on this chapter. And this fic in general, of course.
Elivra26 chapter 28 . 7/22/2017
Levi is Rorschach! Omg that is insanely cool! I'll be reviewing properly at the end of the fic, but dayum, I love that you brought this up! Awesome story so far btw!
soverylazy11 chapter 10 . 1/1/2017
this chapter is so beautiful that it could pass off as one of those one shots and get a few hundred favorites and follows. Even though the chapter doesnt seem plot relevant.
soverylazy11 chapter 5 . 12/29/2016
this somehow reminds me of reluctant heroes. anyway good work.
Crolliby chapter 36 . 5/7/2016
Okay. Imma start by saying that I found this story ages ago, got half-way through, got a new computer, lost the story, and forgot the name. So I have now reread what I had before, and continued clicking through chapters until I reached the end.
And I have to say...
This is actually the best ending to a story I have ever read. This is also the first story to ever make me cry... a bit (the last chapter was absolutely heart-wrenching). You and your friend did a fabulous job with the character portrayals (although I must admit, towards the end I kind of hated everyone who wasn't Marco, Reiner, Bertholdt and Dr. Jaeger... just a little bit). My favourite character has to be Marco, hands down (like holy fuck, there is something so relatable about him, I mean seriously, he is such a complex character and I do think that his moral complexity was too much for anyone else to understand, even Armin), and I do feel that, at some points, the other characters were excessively harsh in comparison, and I sort of resent them in some way, but that's just my opinion. I guess it is just testament to your skills as an author that I feel so passionately about your story, even if most would probably not share my point of you. I actually knew pretty early on that Marco was Ilse (even the first time around), before the big reveal, and if there is some critique to be given to this story, it is (probably) the sort of predictability it often has (no hate pls), the others' cruelty to Marco, Historia and Armin's OP-ness (Historia kind of seemed like a Mary-Sue, what with her being practically loved by everyone at the end and being so powerful and stuff... yeah), Eren's general brattish attitude towards Jean (which is canon, so I can't sin that, but it did grow tiresome at times), Annie going OOC in the second half (when she acts so casually with the others after her return), Ymir's bitchiness (which was so fucking annoying, I swear), Reiner's lack of badassery (why is he afraid of Annie in this? Reiner ain't scared of jack shit), the fact that Bertholdt barely had any screen time and was generally overlooked (no love for Bertl?), and all that stuff (this isn't actually a critique, I get it, but still... it's a thing). Other than that...
Yeah, nothing.
This was damn near perfection.
You did an amazing job, and I wouldn't be opposed to seeing a fic (maybe a one-shot) of Historia and Marco's adventures 'till the end of eternity (or, at least, the planet... or would they survive that, since they're immortal? That'd be funny to see) *hintfuckinghint*. Anyway, I'm off to read some more of your work now.
You should be really proud of yourself for this work of art. Give yourself a clap on tha back.
owlcity2013 chapter 29 . 4/17/2016
Motnah P chapter 36 . 1/26/2016
I love the connections you weave in this; it's like a blanket that fills me with a heart-warming story. Every time I read this it feels like I'm melting inside. I have to admit that reaching the end makes me cry - beautiful endings always do - but I think you came up with the best result, a resolution that is still filled with hope and despair and a spirited future which will certainly be interesting if it is followed.
There were times where I had trouble keeping up with Armin's long disquisitions, but I feel like they're central to the themes of the story. Your balance of two emotional extremes - humor and angst - is very precise, and its part of what keeps pulling me back to this story long after I've finished it.
It seems a lot of love and effort has been placed in this story. Frankly, this opinion is derived from a selfish desire for fulfilment, but I'd like to tell you that the result was definitely worth it.
Guest chapter 36 . 11/1/2015
Wow, I really don't have any words to say about this... Just wow
MMJDFandomMania chapter 36 . 8/27/2015
Damn. Okay. Ouch. My feels.
I really loved this fic omg. Like, damn. I need to go calm down now.
ToscaThorCat chapter 6 . 7/28/2015
OH GOD. I'M BATMAN. I about died! I love it!
ToscaThorCat chapter 5 . 7/28/2015
I had to hold my nose so I wouldn't snort with laughter... since it is like, 11 on a work night... *sweatdrops* I loved the "Do it for the vine" and the "It's a girl" bit! it is quite reminiscent of the WTF moments in the anime, like the "Well, you both have scary eyes and a criminal look" the humor took me by surprise, and I like that a lot!
Hunter of Entities chapter 36 . 7/6/2015
vigilantia pretium libertatis continua. Maybe please?
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