Reviews for Broken
Pandalover67 chapter 1 . 1/5/2019
Continue! Also what comic! I wanna read too!
Oh hey chapter 1 . 2/21/2018
If im being honest this is the only scp fanfiction i actually like. No joke this is my favorite! The others just seem too off to me!
FanGirl chapter 1 . 5/20/2017
This fanfic is awesome and I love it
bird chapter 1 . 4/19/2017
the kid chapter 1 . 1/21/2017
INCIDENT 049-10294
[Incident occurred during testing of D-10294 with SCP-049-2 anomaly.]
Procedure: Following the creation of SCP-049-2, D-10294 was to be brought into the chamber to be in the presence of anomaly. Note* SCP-049 insisted before onset of experiment that D-10294 should not enter presence of 049-2 under any circumstances.

Log Begins 1/12/17:

[049-2 has just begun shambling around the cell- without warning to either 049 or 10294, containment wall is lowered. D-10294 freezes mid movement and slowly moves backwards from 049-2]

D-10294: [expletive]!

[SCP-049 stands and for the first time recorded, attempts to stop SCP-049-2 from attacking a human being but is not fast enough. 049-2 tackles D-10294 to the ground and begins tearing off his clothes, D-10294 struggles and attempts to fight 049-2 but is unable to due to enhanced strength and adrenaline response in 049-2 which responds to human presence.]

SCP-049: Get off of him!

[With previously undocumented strength- likely due to SCP-049's method of incapacitation rendering such abilities unnecessary. 049-2 is now attempting to sexually assault D-10294 when 049 grabs it and throws it through the observation window, shattering it and causing [BLANK] deaths of personnel and presiding research agent.]


Note: It is ill-advised to ever test SCP-049-2 with D-10294 again. The resulting casualties and massive containment breach following previously unknown SCP-049 abilities should be a testament to never underestimate what some of them will do to maintain what they believe to be emotional attachments.
Kai-Chan chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
Often times the best fanfics are the ones you look back on and say 'Holy shit why did I write this'. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what went through your head upon rereading this. Don't worry though, it was bound to be written sooner or later. Cuz you know... Rule 34
the kid chapter 1 . 8/22/2016
INTERVIEW: Dr. [ blank ]; SCP-049; D-10294;

Dr. [ blank ]: How are you today?

SCP-049: Well enough I suppose.

Dr. [ blank ]: D-10294? How are you feeling today?

[ D-10294 seems to be exhibiting signs of distress or depression. May respond to news of testing with SCP-049-2 better than originally expected ]

D-10294: ... Fine.

[ SCP-049 shows a degree of what could only be concern for D-10294. However, given SCP-049s particular background and general interactions with the human race, it doesn't seem to understand how to address what D-10294 is feeling, or why he feels that way ]

SCP-049: Will that be all you wanted to know?

[ Ever since D-10294 has entered SCP-049s holding facility, he has been growing increasingly aggressive towards staff and security personnel who attempt to either separate them or remove D-10294 to his own holding facility-

the kid chapter 1 . 8/22/2016
UPDATE: In regards to SCP-049 and D-class personnel 10294;

The construction of D-10294's holding cell is proceeding on schedule, and is nearly complete. Intentionally, SCP-049 and D-10294 had been kept separate while the construction has been ongoing. SCP-049 has been making inquiries as to the location of D-10294 since he was removed from 049's holding cell. There is not enough data present to address any emotional or physical relationship between SCP-049 and D-class Personnel 10294. Once holding cell is complete, observation of interactions will be observed by Dr. [ blank ].
UPDATE: [ redacted img ]; to be sent to Dr. [ blank ]
UPDATE: SCP-049 file needs update!
Personal Email: Dr [ blank ] to Head of Operations Dr. [ redacted ];

It's bad, [ redacted ]. Did you know that SCP-049 could have sex? God forbid if its able to reproduce, or has reproduced...! Luckily, as D-10294 is male, we won't have to worry now, but later? What if 049 runs into a female D-Class who is also immune?! In a typical case its cells would induce immediate death in a subject who comes into contact, but not only can D-10294 sustain - by current observations - unlimited physical contact with SCP-049; SCP-049 has developed a near obsession with maintaining this physical contact with D-10294.

I honestly don't know what SCP-049 will do if D-10294 is removed from his proximity. The first effort to remove D-10294 from SCP-049 ended with the deaths of 6 personnel. Should we continue with the testing of D-10294s anomalous properties on SCP-049-2? We may have to postpone the testing until we find out exactly how much of a connection the subjects have, and how much damage it could cause SCP-049 if D-10294 is lost.
Personal Email: Head of Operations Dr. [ redacted ] to Dr. [ blank ];

While it would be regrettable to lose such a compelling avenue of study, we have our orders. D-10294 will have his anomalous traits tested against SCP-049-2 as scheduled.
WeAreManyYouAreButOne chapter 1 . 8/16/2016
this fic wasn't a was really fucking hot...
alexandritescabbard chapter 1 . 7/3/2016
omfs this was so adorable! it almost made me cry though. also, i liked this, so it wasn't a mistake.
biscuitman chapter 1 . 6/10/2016
This is beautiful. Just beautiful. Despite being sorta non-connish, it's just freaking adorable.
meowser chapter 1 . 1/17/2016
More please!
anna ritschke chapter 1 . 11/1/2015
The details in this are amazing, the story was written very well, I suggest you keep up the good work. Also, I AM the cure
CringeKid chapter 1 . 10/4/2015
I love this!
The kid chapter 1 . 5/6/2015
Report #049-0125 continued

Though termination of D-10294 was considered following investigation of any anomalous traits - results pending - Dr. [ blank ] suggested granting SCP-049's request on the condition of allowing further insight into the SCP's psychological state.

Construction of an appropriate holding cell for D-10294 is underway and will contain sensory equipment including [ data redacted ] along with temperature gauges and [ blank ]. The units will have a reinforced steel containment separation wall with electromagnetic locks in the event of testing of SCP-049's anomaly.

Approval pending with Dr. [ blank ] to test if D-10294's anomalous traits extend to SCP-049-2.

End report
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