Reviews for Moose Musings
Guest chapter 1 . 4/12/2016
This fic reminded me a frightening lot of an actual conversation a friend and I once had while driving through the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, after witnessing a dead moose by the side of the road. Being massive geeks, we needed to figure out exactly what kind of vehicle could possibly roadkill a moose, a feat that all Canadians know is virtually imposible. It was decided that said moose had been hit by an experimental high speed tank, which had been left in need of serious repairs because it had hit a fucking moose.
Emma Lynch chapter 1 . 3/31/2014
I love driving Sherlock...just imagine him in a traffic jam...
Book girl fan chapter 1 . 3/17/2014
After that, I really want Sherlock to solve a case where someone was murdered by moose!
rosieiswatching chapter 1 . 3/17/2014
A herd of meese indeed :) You're killing me! Love it.X
I'm Nova chapter 1 . 3/17/2014
Lovely. Thank you for sharing.
infinitesparkle chapter 1 . 3/17/2014
I made the mistake of reading this on my phone in the Marks & Spencers cafe, and I laughed so much the other customers thought I was choking to death. Brilliant! Just brilliant.

I loved Sherlock's initial solution: "If I just speed up a tad..." No, Sherlock!

Goose, geese, moose, moose. I'm with Sherlock on that one. It's completely unlogical.

"Because this is fun. Don't you see?" LOL
patemalah21 chapter 1 . 3/17/2014
LOL! This was excellent! What a precarious life our heroes live!
ObservationofTrifles chapter 1 . 3/16/2014
I absolutely loved this from start to finish. Your story had me smiling all of the way through and the fact that this is completely feasible makes it so much better.
I love how serious their conversation seems at times (and how not-so-serious) and how utterly scientific it is. I can really see Sherlock and John ending up having such a talk just for the sake of it.
And I've had countless arguments on whether or not the plural of "moose" is "moose" or "meese", so I can definitely relate to poor Holmes in that respect.
Great job!
englishtutor chapter 1 . 3/16/2014
"A furry elephant on stilts." This is marvelously funny, and very well described. I felt I was hurtling along through snow myself!
mrspencil chapter 1 . 3/16/2014
Excellent on the road conversation, with John getting the upper hand at the end:-)

And a neat link:-p
MapleleafCameo chapter 1 . 3/16/2014
I kept thinking 'A moose once bit my sister'
You definitely do not want to hit a moose or a deer or elk or caribou or bear or anything:P Especially in the snow on an icy highway:D
Moose is moose plural because it's based on a First Nations word:D where as goose is old English/Germanic in origin - but you probably knew that:D
Love Sherlock's brain - how he thinks it's perfectly okay to discuss the consequences of hitting a moose but if John starts it's weird:P
johnsarmylady chapter 1 . 3/16/2014

That was so much fun!

And I loved the turnabout at the end :)