Reviews for Everything
TheSnicketSister chapter 1 . 11/26/2018
I forgot just how much I loved this episode and this fic is just written so well, it’s amazing. The tone is spot on, the thoughts and interactions, and Sam and Dean actually talking things out with each other? Such a great rare sight! Anyway I’m quite a few years late in reading and reviewing, but just thought I’d stop to tell you this is really well done and I’m glad you wrote it and I read it!
Zana Zira chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
I am so grateful to you right now for writing this fic. The ending of that episode absolutely killed me, ad I know it must have been harder on Dean than we can imagine. I can totally believe that his stony attitude toward Sam after the detox was his way of locking away those feelings of uselessness, and the guilt he felt over Sam being forced into this situation on his watch again. I really like this resolution, though.

I feel like if the brothers would just /talk/ like this once in a while, instead of getting angry to try and cover up the way they're hurt, they wouldn't be in near as many bad situations as they are.

This was a great fic. Definitely one of my faves from you. :)
Sarahhh93 chapter 1 . 10/11/2014
Aww so cute, it drives me mad that they just ended the episode ! I wrote the missing scene too although its no whay near as good its Interesting to see how different peoples perception of this is!

Sorry as well...was needing so good fanfics so I'm mid stalking yours!
fallingangelsandstars chapter 1 . 5/28/2014
Oh, it will forever remain one of the most haunting scenes for me. It just hurt, and then when you go and write something amazing like this, it's like being punched in the face. I feel like there could have been more emphasis on the emotional strain this event would have had on them, but it was sweet watching Sam try to figure out Dean, and the reasoning behind every thing that happened in this story was explained so well, and it made the story flow seamlessly. Dean was brittle and messy in this story, and it was perfectly staged, because the expression on his face when Sam was screaming is truly so well-represented in this story. All in all, I well and truly loved this. It's like a foundation that you kept building upon until the final structure was standing, tall and proud. And yet you displayed the tiny details of their relationship so well, and you built the story so well, the conclusion left me smiling and at peace. I loved it. You wrote something beautiful, and you should definitely be proud of it.
Mistycat chapter 1 . 5/1/2014
Thank you. That episode needed this ending.
Jily4 chapter 1 . 3/23/2014
Great story, thanks! Now, if we could just have a conversation like you wrote sometime soon on the Show! I could totally see both boys reacting like this and misunderstanding each others motives! I want THESE brothers back NOW! But until that happens, I'm glad we have stories like yours to dull our pain just a little!
AJTish chapter 1 . 3/21/2014
Such a beautiful chapter!I am so dying for a chick-flick moment like this!
SPNxBookworm chapter 1 . 3/21/2014
Amazing job! Surreal! Magnificent!
*searches for more words in mental dictionary*

This was truly an awesome one-shot! :) I loved the ending the most! The way you portray and nail the character of both the brothers right on the head? I envy you and am in awe :) You are a brilliant writer and I am now going to catch up on the other fics that you've updated.

Revhead chapter 1 . 3/20/2014
I really liked this little episode tag. Great insight into what both brothers were feeling. Thanks!
reannablue chapter 1 . 3/20/2014
This was a terrific fic and completely in keeping with the characters. These boys have crappy communication skills and seem to misinterpret each others intentions so frequently on the show. It is sooo frustrating, isn't it? This was a perfect illustration of how Sam's self worth plummeted unnecessarily and here Dean was doing his guilt thing again. So glad they (you) got it sorted out. The brotherly moments are what I obsess over supernatural for! Thanks for writing and sharing your stories!
GuestJ chapter 1 . 3/19/2014
Hey LB. Reading this just makes me drool as I wait (patiently) for your multi-chapter fic. Great job on bringing closer to that episode. Dean did look whippped. Glad you gave him some comfort. And me too!
Frakking Toasters chapter 1 . 3/19/2014
What a relief to read something where Dean isn't blaming Sam for something that isn't his fault, and they are both communicating with each other like grown ups. An actual conversation to sort out their misunderstandings. Just some good old fashioned brotherly feels. Someone alert the writers on the show, because they seem to have missed this train! xo
Guest chapter 1 . 3/19/2014
This is not at all how I saw Dean in this, but I like your version much better. thanks for sharing it.
Shakespeare's Lemonade chapter 1 . 3/19/2014
Great story. I always kind of thought there had to be more to that incident. Like you said, the way Dean looked as Sam was screaming meant there had to be more. I love how you brought that out using Sam's POV. Their interactions felt true to the characters and their conversation was heartfelt, but not too sappy. It really felt like a missing scene from the episode.
Calatia chapter 1 . 3/18/2014
This is great! The characterization of the brothers is spot on and I can totally see this happen after the end of the episode. Your writing really makes the scene come to life, great job!
And thank you for the excellent ending, that's just perfect :)
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