Reviews for The Chronicles of Monkey D Luffy: The East Blue Saga
Guest chapter 23 . 4/28
Luffy the water water man being affected by sea stone is the absolute dumbest thing I’ve read in fan fictions
Guest chapter 15 . 1/16
All those attacks to take Krieg out ,even with all luffys got I still feel like you are falling way short of doing him justice, he should be destroying Krieg with one Haki punch , your just dragging the fight out because you want to show us all these lame weak attacks you have made up , not impressed
Guest chapter 14 . 1/16
Underwhelming to say the least luffy hit Krieg with a water fist imbued with armament and smashed Krieg in the face sending him hurtling back a few feet ,a few feet? Is that it ?,that is weak , he did better than that in canon with his gum gum without Haki
Guest chapter 8 . 1/16
Too many drawbacks for luffy ,did not enjoy the fight , he was left physically exhausted after fighting Kuro, just from a bit of conquerors Haki, why give him these abilities if there is huge limitations on it , especially when you are only doing east blue saga , seems quite pointless to me .
Guest chapter 4 . 1/16
Luffy should always collect bounties in east blue , it’s the best way to generate revenue , that would make queen b happy too
Godschildtweety chapter 23 . 12/24/2019
Really good
Tenjo chapter 16 . 7/24/2019
The annoying adherence to canon is still present but you’ve gradually changed more and more. If I could delete my past comments I would, but I can’t. With that said, I laughed aloud at the end. ‘Cliffhanger!’? More like ‘Canon!’
Tenjo chapter 3 . 7/24/2019
I’m hoping to god you actually change things up from here. It looked like you were going to at the end but then you go and make the unbelievably stupid move of making Luffy suggest an illogical plan to at least follow the main plot points of canon, namely his getting ‘caught’.
Tenjo chapter 2 . 7/24/2019
Yep. Okay. You’ve taken one or two bits of dialogue and changed them to showcase Luffy’s philosophical and mature nature, but you’ve kept everything else canon. His appearance from the barrel; which should not have happened given his supposed nature, his rash and childlike behaviour, his lack of emotional control and other such things. Everything that happened was canon except for Luffy’s little moments and Nami’s nonsensical infatuation which is completely out of character. This is one of the most blunt things I’ve said to an author on this, but you’re a horrible writer and should probably stop. You can’t change fundamental aspects of a story while keeping the story the exact bloody same. It doesn’t work like that.
Tenjo chapter 1 . 7/24/2019
From the author note at the end and considering this is basically canon with three minor changes so far, I’d wager that this is going to be a horrible story. But let’s hope I’m wrong, aye?
Tenjo chapter 1 . 7/24/2019
I don’t get it. You’ve made him unintentionally use haki as a child, meaning he’s already many times stronger than he was initially without even having to be angry to use it. You’ve made him have a much more special and useful power along with his main power. But you’ve made the starting events happen the same? If you were being consistent, Shanks would’ve put Higuma in his place straight away so he could focus on Luffy and find out how he used haki. Luffy should’ve been able to beat Higuma or at least hurt him and get away. Luffy was running on the water, meaning he wasn’t in the same place and the situation was vastly different, yet Shanks still lost his arm. Why? Couldn’t be original with this part of the story even with the original ideas you’ve implemented?
Sesshoru chapter 21 . 7/3/2019
Your math is wrong, a 300% increase of 100400.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/4/2019
Thia story is complete crap. You said he ate the water-water fruit but then changed it to the gum-gum fruit. Get your details straight and try again
Guest chapter 1 . 5/4/2019
Why did he say "Gum-Gum" when he ate the water-water fruit?
watersonic1v2 chapter 22 . 10/5/2018
That doesn't make sense, no.

The reason why sea prism stone works is bc it emits the same frequency as sea water. Unless Luffys water emits a different frequency, it shouldn't be able affect him
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