Reviews for The Last living Souls
Denise chapter 20 . 5/12
I just started the found & started this today. I really really really hope you are planning on finishing it.
Christina831 chapter 20 . 4/12
Such a great story! I read it all in one day! Hope you’re not completely finished with it!
cookiemonsta97 chapter 20 . 11/15/2019
This is a really exceptional story, I was shocked when I saw the publishing date. To keep updating a story for this long is very impressive, and even more impressive is watching your writing skills blossom over those years. I love the way you gave us those early chapters where we actually see Michonne and Rick's initial connection, it makes their journey through the apocalypse so much more fulfilling. I do home you continue to update this, and are able to finish it, because I certainly will be waiting for more!
SandiLeeDuke chapter 20 . 1/24/2019
Wow, this is a great story! I just started reading it and am so glad I did! You're doing an excellent job,. I wanted to bop Shane in the head when he told Carl about Rick and Michonne and the biters and taught him how to box. I agree that Carl needed to know, but I wish he'd told Rick Carl's word before he broke Rick's trust plus taught Carl to fight. His reference to Lori was low! I am so glad however, that someone will see outside the community before they go. It might not be what they remember. In reading, I was comparing this group (the Q.U.A.D. and Shetland group) with the Alexandria group. Both were isolated and thought they were really roughing it.

Please give me a quick and loooong update! I am truly hooked!

P.S. I would never know you have dyslexia! Keep writing. You are good!
atm0000 chapter 20 . 1/21/2019
Welcome back and thanks for updating! Something tells me things will not be what they hope to be at the farm, but i’m looking forward to finding out.
member00 chapter 19 . 1/20/2019
Very exciting! I do wonder about Gavin though...
Thanks for updating! Such a great surprise!
ShunnieIsFine chapter 19 . 1/18/2019
I loved this chapter. Yes, it was emotional and I loved that about it, and also how Rick got back in good with his son, but not the rift that old hurts has placed between he and Shane.
Guest chapter 8 . 1/17/2019
I love the pragmatism of these kids.
courtgirl26 chapter 20 . 1/16/2019

I did a double take when I got the notification, lol! I had to reread the previous chapter to refresh my memory, but it all came back and I picked right back up.

Hopefully Michonne doesn't get sick as well and their plan can be carried out without any hiccups. That's a lot of people, but Rick is a man on a mission, so they may have some blips but I have no doubt that he'll get it done. When the chips are down, Rick and Shane will be there for each other, but that was a low blow about Lori. Carl's such a great big brother:)
ShunnieIsFine chapter 18 . 1/16/2019
What a good chapter...

It's all so sad that in the midst of all that trouble people hating because of skin color or whatever either way, sadly is not a thing of the pass for some there in Shetland. A shameful practice that should be the last thing happening ever, because it's going to take everyone working as one to combat the problem at hand with only a wall and some barbwire between them and the biters bent on eating any color meat that they can get their hands and teeth on.

And those with that poison of haughtiness coursing through their veins have the nerves to call the walking dead monsters!

But Carl is definitely no where near a monster, but a a young man who'd met his limit and then exceeded it in the form of breaking Jeremy's nose. I hope Rick won't be too hard on his son. The boy has already had an unfortunately bad day and doesn't need his evening following suit.
Firefly-class chapter 20 . 1/16/2019
I doubt it is going to easy to get them all out there. Hopefully this plan works.
member00 chapter 20 . 1/15/2019
So excited to see this updated! I read it back when I was a lurker but I remember enjoying it!

Now I gotta refresh before I read this new chapter lol
Thank you!
Bwy5 chapter 20 . 1/15/2019
Wow wow wow . I can’t believe you dedicated this chapter to me. I’m so stoked. Thank you so much. I just love this story.

Rick and Carl’s banter is on point. Don’t want anyone to know you’re a juvenile delinquent. No don’t want anyone to know you’re my dad!

Didn’t know about Edward Jenner and the smallpox vaccine. You learn something new every day. I’m sure in canon the similarity in the name was deliberate, especially as he worked at the CDC.

I love how this story doesn’t shy away from racism or racial issues.

This is highly suspicious. Is Dr Jenner experimenting on the children at Shetland? The way Carl says he feels like a biter. Hmmm. Also I’m not sure I trust Lt. Carmichael and his friends. I’m so happy you’re continuing with this story. Can’t wait for the next update.
Guest chapter 19 . 1/14/2019
Oh my gosh. Shane and Rick’s argument was brutal. Some home truths were being thrown around for sure. Michonne spraying them like separating two dogs was classic but Rick questioning himself because of the things Shane said, that hurt. The father son dynamics between Rick and Carl is so relatable.

After this second reading I’ve come to a realisation why it stuck in my mind for so long and why I was excited that you were continuing with it. You have such insights into interpersonal interactions and thus the story becomes one of how people learn to understand one another and grow thereby. It is so much more than just an apocalyptic story. Love it.
Bwy5 chapter 18 . 1/14/2019
How sweet , Carl is calling Michonne mom.

Even in the midst of an apocalypse racist idiots are still the same. Loved the stare off and Carl joining Duane. Yes Jeremy finally got his comeuppance. Carl in this fight reminds me of canon Rick from season 4 going. Conflicted, confused Carl. This is so real. Love your characterisations.
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