Reviews for Prying Open my Third Eye
Donna chapter 2 . 8/1/2005
ACK! Dead fic
Gadoken King chapter 2 . 6/9/2005
This is story is appealing. Tien is one of my favorite characters, and it is rare to see a story based on him, let alone on his past. I shall watch this story with interest, and I look forward to a new installment.
Sonar chapter 2 . 1/16/2005
this goes on my favorites list
gizmo-gal chapter 1 . 12/14/2004
What the hell is wrong with you? Why haven't you updated?

This is fantstic. It is a truly unigue story. The perfect Memory is an amazing power almost a "Cursed blessing" type-thing. Please continue this story and Update!
gizmo-gal chapter 2 . 12/14/2004
It was absolutely great I love your writing style. You must get really good grades in english and literature. Please continue.
Toguro chapter 1 . 10/10/2003
I always thought that choutzu used to be an emperor of a far off land before he had met tien.
DoraMouse chapter 2 . 7/29/2003
Hola Rev,

What an intriguing story you have here. I think it creates almost as many questions as it answers. For example, how the heck did the Red Ribbon Army know the date of Tenshinhans birth? Did they know his parents? That sort of thing. Hrmm.

The notes from Ten-san are a bit awkward but I guess they're meant to be. Sets the tone of the story very well. And they also help break up the story by adding some transition to the plot.

You definately have some unique thoughts on the history of an underappreciated character. So the third eye and the kikohou attack are inherited from his father? Plausible. That would perhaps explain why the Crane Master and Tao never use kikohou... And a perfect memory, huh? That *would* be a mixed blessing. Especially with memories as painful as these.

Tenshinhan is not (usually) an easy character to understand. Even in the official series, so much is just implied. Cause we just don't see him that often. He gets simplified and basically turned to cannon fodder - even before DBZ. It always disappointed me a bit that so many people would choose to write Tenshinhan strictly the way that he's portrayed in the series. Cause I think there's more depth there.

Sorry about the rant. The point I'm trying to make, I guess, is that it's truly rare to see anyone really focus on Ten-san. Rarer still that the author manages to do his character any degree of justice. So far Rev, you've done both. Quite refreshing. Thanks for that. Just... Well. Good luck with keeping it up.

About Chaozu. How bizarre. So he was kinda...summoned...perhaps? Hrm. *shakes head, grins* Only Chaozu. Would make it wonderfully easy to label him as immortal then, wouldn't it? Or to plug just about any other kinda background in there. Immensely glad that Ten-san has a friend, at any rate. Cause growing up in an environment like the one you've described, yea - that would be lonely. On some level, that has got to be close to neglect. Would explain an awful lot though...

Can tell that you've put a lot of thought into this Rev. Should be interesting to watch this story develop. Take care!

Bucky chapter 2 . 7/26/2003
And enter Chaotzu. :)

They were inexorably drawn to each other. Destined to be friends. You showed that well. And I really like how you write little bits in first person, here and there from Tien's POV. I makes it all more real.

I'm so glad someone is writing this! Me gusta!
Bucky chapter 1 . 7/26/2003
I didn't know you were writing THIS!

I got excited the moment I saw the summary. I was intrigued all the way through. A very gruesome, but appropriate start. I'm right there with him. I'd love to know what the story is behind his parents!

Red Ribbon army... You're frugal with your bad guys. That's good. There's so much material already to work with, might as well use some of it! *off to read more*
SnowEyes chapter 2 . 7/12/2003
I always dreamed of things like this. I always really thought, while watching the Saiyan saga and the sagas after it... and reading chapters of stories...

That actually, Choutzu was like a living doll...

And here you go, taking the words right out of my head. Do you do that a lot? You have that gift for finding really stupid funny stuff... when I go to Anime Reactor this year in October I'll be sure to harass some voice actors into singing some songs for you.

But that's beside the point. Actually, I'm thinking that you're doing a really good job with this so far. I'm looking at how you described how Tien wakes up - "slitted eyes, not jumping up like a normal warrior" - and it strikes me as perfectly right. He was, of course, trained as an assasin.

I cannot WAIT until you introduce them both to the Crane Master. THAT should be interesting.

I always liked that period of Dragonball... I don't know why, it just struck me as the actual first time we saw Tien's personality shine through. The other time was in Dragonball Z and he refuses to wear the armour because he is disgusted at what Vegeta had done in the past...



Ok, I'm done. _

Bye! I'm going to look forward to that letter you are supposed to write me. Know this: if you do not write me it I will not review anything by you anymore! MWAHAHAHA!



kaede-chan chapter 3 . 5/28/2003
good start, but try to finish. i love it.
Fan chapter 3 . 1/15/2003
It really not that bad! I find myself wanting to know more about Tien the more Im read. I thinks that a good idea to write on the other characters. There have so much little thing going with them...

Keep Writing!
Fan chapter 3 . 1/15/2003
It really not that bad! I find myself wanting to know more about Tien the more Im read. I thinks that a good idea to write on the other characters. There have so much little thing going with them...

Keep Writing!
Ravenpan chapter 3 . 12/18/2002
Excellent story - please continue soon!
otepoti chapter 3 . 11/18/2002
- like it
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