Reviews for California
AshleyStewart09 chapter 18 . 8/26/2015
I loved this
ThreeMagpies chapter 18 . 9/3/2014
...feel like I've just had a really luscious Creme Brûlée, lots of lovely yumminess - with a hint of crunch and lots of spice! :D, really loved that... See you at the next story!
ThreeMagpies chapter 17 . 9/3/2014
Aawww... (Reaching for another hankie...), :D
ThreeMagpies chapter 16 . 9/3/2014
Hanging off the cliff by my fingernails!... :D (I hope Miles isn't too horrible to poor Miller...), :/
ThreeMagpies chapter 15 . 9/3/2014
...sigh/sob... Always cry at weddings and this one rocked (excuse the pun...)! :D
ThreeMagpies chapter 14 . 9/3/2014
That was nicely done - Allison was exactly the right sort of character, wise enough to know how to help... :)
ThreeMagpies chapter 13 . 9/3/2014
Hi there - this is a gorgeous chapter :D the dress sounds pretty amazing (knife as accessory makes it even better...) :)
Totally agree re the Bachel kiss thing - felt totally wrong! someone else wrote that it could have been a response to the accusation that Bass forced Rachael in Philly - that he was angry, lost it for a moment - showing her what force was...but that doesn't fit with Bass' character (total romantic) and then when they found Miles' jacket and the blood they were suddenly a team again ...? Was the kiss supposed to be a catharsis for them? To get the Philly thing out of the way? Or just to make us think the worst of Bass? Don't know.. I think I have to watch a few more Charloe vids to get that image out of my head...

Anyway back to happy things - on to the next chapter :D
ThreeMagpies chapter 12 . 9/3/2014
Wow... Poor California..., am so glad Bass and Charlie had some real time together... :D, have a feeling it's going to be a bumpy ride soonish...
Love the way you have set the scene and new characters, racing on to next chapter... :D
ThreeMagpies chapter 8 . 9/3/2014
Really enjoyed this - exciting and surprising (eg Reggie...), totally agree with your comments re 2.17 - and absolutely any Bass is good Bass (although S2Bass maybe had the edge ...? )
ThreeMagpies chapter 7 . 9/3/2014
Oh my ... I was wondering what sort of shoe would drop...
ThreeMagpies chapter 6 . 9/3/2014
You write very well and the smut (I have difficulty with that word) describes a fantasy physical and emotional interaction which is respectful of both characters and plot and I love the way you have incorporated little bits of dialogue from the series ('everyone leaves me...'), :)
ThreeMagpies chapter 2 . 9/3/2014
Love your dialogue ! :D
ThreeMagpies chapter 1 . 9/3/2014
What a great start to this story! and I've been curious about California for ages :D I know I am late to the debate but believe me I watched every episode (and bought both series - iTunes likes me...)..
Mrastleysghost chapter 10 . 8/23/2014
I just had a "bit" of a nerd-gasm at the hotel California reference... That just made my day.
Potterel08 chapter 18 . 6/9/2014
Awww. This is one of the best Charloe Stories I've ever read! It is so true to their characters! Thank you!
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