Reviews for A Friendly Encounter
Unidentified Gem chapter 1 . 4/11/2016
even though i would like it to be more of a friendship, i loved it! nice work!
Lucy Kent chapter 1 . 11/30/2015
Oooohhh I like it. I am definitely squinting, even if I don't need to. I used to be a big Hermione/Severus fan (now less-so). For the most part this story was enchanting (haha). I guess the only thing that really seemed to stick out from your story is Hermione being the help. At first it confused me as to where on the time-line it was. Then it seemed a but unrealistic (bah).. anyway. And I would have interested to know how Snape survived the Shack. You never did say how. But your writing is, as always, a privilege to read.
Lamia of the Dark chapter 1 . 5/1/2014
I had a hard time reading this. The premise for this story is downright odd, and they both seem out of character here

I'm not saying it was badly written, just that it's so far off from my taste that it makes me cringe, and I can't really give a constructive review because of that. The implication that these two were developing feelings for each other squicked me out more than any graphic torture scene ever has.

Your spelling and grammar are solid.
The Dreaming Hare chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
Ah, I really liked the idea behind this fic! I thought they were both very in character, and that you really captured Severus' caustic nature. I can definitely see him being insulted by Hermione going to the engagement party rather than continue with their session, even if he didn't want to tell her anything in the first place. I loved that in the beginning, you had Severus draw parallels to Lily, but in the end you have him move on. It really gives the reader hope that *yes* he will actually be able to live a peaceful life.
reminiscent-afterthought chapter 1 . 4/29/2014
This strikes me as the sort of fic that would work better as first person as opposed to third person; there's an inherent sense of detachment involved with the third person. Though how you've set up the order of events is interesting - and a mentoring programme is an interesting concept to work into Hogwarts. Snape's character is nicely written too; there's still the bitterness that clings to him, but it's a little faded and there's a little more defeatist attitude about him - and he's opened up a bit as well. Particularly the overtime comment. :D

"That boy was too good for his own good" - lol, interesting way of phrasing it. Though two "good"s in the same sentence does sound a little strange.

Interesting how you had Lily morph into Hermione, in a way, too. :D It got lost about the middle in favour of the plot, but you brought it around nicely.
DolbyDigital chapter 1 . 4/29/2014
I really loved how you wrote Snape in this; the way that he was initially reluctant to begin the counselling sessions, but steadily grew to look forward to them, and the slow build in their relationship. I think my favourite part was when he said that there were no sides. I think that sums up his involvement very well, as he was a lot more loyal to individual people than what they stood for and a lot of his reasoning for doing things is a little vague.

I'm not sure if it was just me, but the jump from 'She was brave. Had he mentioned that?' to the following paragraph seemed a little abrupt. And I only noticed a few typos.
'Look past him' I think should have been 'looked'
'Something, according to them, was far worse' should either be 'something which' or 'which was'
'They seemed it' I think you meant 'deemed'
Lillielle chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
-cheerfully squints because I love Snamione- I mean. -coughs- Ahem. I love this. I love Hermione becoming his counselor, to keep him free from Azkaban. It's certainly something I can see her doing, and his surliness in complying with is is perfect. XD Also the way that he likes talking with her, and gets grumpy when she goes to the engagement party instead of listening to his story more, it's just...perfect. I also love him realizing that he's moved on, and he can move on now. It's lovely, and I so want to imagine a sequel now, where they end up together, if only as friends. Lovely job!
Lara1221 chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
The amount of admiration I have for you for steering away from, in my opinion, what of the most disgusting ships this fandom has to offer is ginormous. This was so interesting to read and comprehend. I think you really nailed Severus, and Hermione was good as well, but the feelings an thoughts of the professor were perfect. I love his comments on Harry, and the scenario you created for the interaction. I found a few typos in here, but they're all very small, nothing a second read can't fix. Great job :D
Safari chapter 1 . 4/25/2014
This is a very nice portrayal of the Snamione friendship. Personally, I wouldn't think the Ministry would care enough about Sev to send a counsellor to him . . . but that's just because I never associated the Ministry with being compassionate. Perhaps St. Mungo's would have sent a counsellor instead?

Their awk moments were my favourite parts in this one-shot. It was a fine line trying to balance between professional and personal. I like how Hermione doesn't outright force him to open up but she's persistent enough that he ends up doing so.

xoxo wouldtheywriteasongforyou
KeepsAwayTheNargles chapter 1 . 4/24/2014
This was really clever :) I never thought of Hermione assessing Snape's case against whether he should go to Azkaban or not. Good plot to write about! I like how Snape really had no choice but to talk to Hermione, otherwise I don't think he would, and once he got used to It, the confessions just spilled out of his mouth. I was wondering If you were going to go through the past and talk about Lily, but that would be uncharacteristic of Snape to delve that deep Into himself, so I'm glad you didn't. I saw the unrequited love though, so you did great with subtle hints of Lily.

I saw no spelling or grammar errors, and nothing was worded weirdly and no typos, so great job! I enjoyed this story very much :) I favorited! I don't favorite things too often, and definitely not Hermione/Snape stories, but I like friendship/slightly flirty pieces so yeah :) I enjoyed this a lot, good job!
autumn midnights chapter 1 . 4/11/2014
I really like the awkwardness between them at times, and the way you showed this. The whole situation with them not really being able to call each other by their first names was especially good; I really liked Hermione's difficulty at calling him Severus instead of Professor, and the way that Snape keeps calling her Miss Granger, even at the end of the fic. I really like your characterization of Severus here, also - especially in the part where it says that he didn't have 'sides', he was just protecting Harry because of Lily.

SPaG was good; the only thing I noticed is that Muggleborn should have a hyphen in it, so that it's Muggle-born. I really like how the romance wasn't really too much of a thing here; I don't ship these two, so reading about their friendship was much more preferable. You did a great job characterizing both of them - despite the AU, I would say that both of them are pretty in-character.
Writer0895 chapter 1 . 4/7/2014
The initial comparison between Lily and Hermione is something you read in every Snape/Hermione fic. but this time it was a turn off, because well, this time their relationship was different. They weren't friends or lovers, just two humans and i feel like that subtle hint at snamione was a turn off. Having said that, their relationship was amazing. I love that-not friends, not lovers. It was very good.

And the last line was perfect, made the whole fic go out with a bang.
trollnexus chapter 1 . 4/4/2014
Definitely loved the comparisons between Hermione and Lily-I had never understood Snermione (or Harmony, for that matter) being so popular, but now that you've laid out those traits, it all makes sense.

Shouted with excitement when he said there was no "side." Exactly. I am still of the belief that Snape is a Chaotic Neutral, not caring about maintaining order but also not caring about the forces of good and evil. He just wants to help the people to whom he's loyal. His grey motives have frustrated and fascinated many an HP reader over the years, and it's great to see you bring that quality back through this fic.

I appreciate the balance you create between his inner thoughts and the persona he projects. You do not do that tedious telling-his-feelings thing that many writers do; you simply portray his thoughts and let the reader infer from there. His conversations with Hermione are very in-character-he's definitely not going to be all snuggly, no matter what he might be thinking of her when she's out of the room. Also, I can't help but grin every time he insults Harry. Some things never change.

The progression in their relationship is very nice and natural. Yay armchair! Also, it was endearing to see him get so jealous over Hermione's obvious connection with the Weasley family. With that comes the implication that she'll be with Ron and not with him, as well as be involved in an entire social sphere that is removed from him. Even without his interest in her, he must feel pretty lonely. Everyone wants at least one person who is willing to listen to their story; when one has to bottle all the stories up, it can get wretchedly lonely.

The ending was perfect. I was quite satisfied with how you wrapped up this story, especially with the mention of the-reverently unnamed, but we all know who she is-love of his past. Although of course part of me wishes he would get with Hermione at least once (I believe that all love interests should be explored at least once, in a ideal world, but of course that can't happen), I am also happy to think that he will focus on moving on with his life, which is much more important than any interest in a woman who he's probably unlikely to be with. With his new-found freedom and the miracle of actually being alive, he has so many decades ahead of him. Now that his story has finally been told to someone, he has placed all that weight in the hands of someone else, and his interactions with Hermione gave him the chance to tell the story properly, instead of desperately shoving it at a person in his last moments like in the case of Harry.

I'm so happy for Severus here :') Thank you for writing this.
Kailey Hamilton chapter 1 . 4/4/2014
Oh Ash, one doesn't need to squint *at all* to see the unreq!Severus/Hermione. And it says a lot of you as a writer that I don't hate you for it. Really. When I saw this was Sev&Hermione I was like "nononono please no anything but this" but needless to say, this story was a very pleasant surprise.

I like Snape here. He's more self-aware and willing to give up than he was in canon, but who is to say that he wouldn't be like this after the war, had he lived? It certainly seems logical. And Hermione was just one-hundred percent perfect and IC and I'm in awe that you managed to keep them both IC and make this work. Making him open up to her like that was very clever, and I love how she's always professional in front of him. Idk. This is perfect.

Idk what else to say - I'm super tired, though I totally LOVED this. Great job!
Jenrukiforevz chapter 1 . 4/2/2014
A very interesting read indeed! Hermione was believable, although I'm not sure Snape would, but it was still a good story. I wouldn't ship them together for the world, but I did feel nice to know that Snape had someone to look over him in a friendly way. Overrall, a very engaging story.
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