Reviews for Change The Fate: The Fallen Angel Arise
Guest chapter 11 . 6/21
please update
Norv chapter 8 . 6/18
très bonne histoire avec le personnage le plus captivant et complexe de HP, j'aime, merci
Guest chapter 11 . 5/18
please do update soon. loving the way you have wrote this FF
excessivelyperky chapter 6 . 9/4/2019
Of course Dumbledore doesn't want an investigation into the broken legs-that would reveal they happened at Hogwarts itself.

I'm surprised James isn't high-fiving Snape being smacked around (he's surprised that the Headmaster cares this time, and no wonder).
cynthia.timmons.90 chapter 8 . 6/2/2019
I am a school psychologist and work with teens. I think your take on how Severus views things is right on. He distrusts, with reason, and to him there's no difference between Malfoy et al and Dumbledore and co.
Akemii Fullbuster chapter 11 . 6/1/2019
Poor Sev he must be very frustrated with his actual situation hopefully he will start to get better on time. Serves them right to belive him to be dead and suffer for it hopefully it will make them treat him better. I hope to read you soon this story is very interesting and I love it!
excessivelyperky chapter 5 . 12/13/2018
Of course Albus wants to cover up his part in Snape's injuries and abuse. Why am I not surprised? But I guess he can make sure they're all blamed on the Muggle father.

And now since Severus is going to be rich, he's important and worth trying to save. Why, Albus might have another source of funds for the Order if he can get the Marauders to stop trying to kill the boy. As for a physical examination, that might reveal what the Marauders did, so of course that's not on the table.

Dumbledore as guardian? Oh yeah, that'll be great. Maybe he'll get Severus to write a will leaving all his money to him and then just look the other way again.
scgaraycochea chapter 10 . 6/4/2018
Hi, this is a wonderfully wrote fanfic, I loved the stroy and I would like to read more.
Please if you can it would be great if you continue writing this story even if it is after a long time.
Thank you for a beautiful reading.
excessivelyperky chapter 4 . 3/24/2018
I know one reason Albus isn't insisting on a thorough medical examination-it would reveal too much about how much abuse Snape suffered at Hogwarts itself, with the Headmaster's own connivance. Oops.

Surprised that Lily didn't gloat over her former friend getting what he deserved. I doubt she'll believe anything he says to her anyway.
Minna cross chapter 10 . 1/30/2018
yay! i'm so glade you updated this story.
EmetMehmet chapter 8 . 1/29/2018
Not many stories can drive me to tears, especially when it comes to abuse fics.
Honestly, there should be some improvements especially concerning length and characterization but other than that you did very well, spot on.
And I beg you author I REALLY BEG YOU. Please bash the Marauders, Dumbledore and Lily especially Lily. Hard.
Let all of them know the truth and let them suffer for it.
Don't let Severus Snape be ultimately forgiving, if it was possible create an female OC for Severus (Don't rush the friendship by the way take time) and let her slowly replace Lily in his life. Honestly, based on your prior description of her character, she does not deserve to be his friend.
If you do create that OC let Lily suffer for it, honestly how could she leave her friend so easily just because of early assumptions based on half-truths regarding why he would join the Death Eaters in the first place?
She is as guilty as Dumbledore in this regard, blinded by prejudice instead of following her heart.
How could she wish her friend so-called 'best friend' death knowing that parts of his life was hell in Slytherin just because of his friendship with her?
No she does not know this, associating with Slytherins who are his housemates and who at least gave a damn or two about him is worth throwing him away.
He sacrificed so much... I just want justice for him.
I would like to inquire more on your story dear author. May I PM you or should you send me one as well?
Guest chapter 8 . 7/8/2017
Interesting. Dumbledore needs forced foster care/parenting classes or he should not be around children.
plutoplex chapter 8 . 7/10/2017
Thanks for the update!
Lizzybeth74 chapter 8 . 7/9/2017
I am so glad you had people who actually acknowledged how horrible what Dumbledore did to Severus was in how he handled the shack incident. It's normally only glossed if it WAS really only a childish prank...when it was nothing of the sort. Dumbledore behaved, horrifically toward Severus, and I'm so happy he was called on it.
PiffyEQ chapter 8 . 7/8/2017
When Lily confronts Sev, (I really dislike Lily btw! lol), I hope that he will finally mention the fact that Lily was smiling at Potter while he was being humiliated down at the Lake. It always annoyed me how she could be such a self-righteous hypocrite and never take ownership of anything she has or hasn't done.

Sorry, I've just never been a fan of Lily. I could go on and on about the reasons why. LOL

Looking forward to the next chapter and watching those 3 witches keep Dumbledore and the Marauder's in line. Maybe if they overhear Lily being her typical bitch, they will put her in her place.
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