Reviews for Lilith Reborn
Leah4Jacob4ever chapter 17 . 8/14
Why oh why did you stop? Are you ever going to come back and get Enjolras and Eponine together for good? It’s always one step forward and two steps back with them. They both fell in love with each other. I am loving this story so much and I am very disappointed that it hasn’t been added to in over 4 years.

I am using a mobile phone to type this review and can’t sign in. The above ID is my actual ID on here.
Morbidmuch chapter 3 . 5/15/2018
I'm only three chapters in and already I'm dreading finishing this story, because it's so bloody amazing and it's unfininished. And that's such a shame, because I loooove this story. So much.
Bekah chapter 17 . 6/13/2017
Please, please, please, please update! I love this story so much!
Kaleidoscope.eyes88 chapter 17 . 5/30/2017
This story is absolutely incredible and I really hope you pick it back up again!
Danadaisy chapter 15 . 1/19/2017
Wow! What absolutely wonderful story you have. Please continue you put me at the edge of my seat!
simplyshort27 chapter 17 . 12/27/2016
Please please say that you will post another chapter! I am enamored with this story!
Alsyxx chapter 17 . 11/12/2016
I really enjoyed this! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Keep up the good work :)
maddielynne chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
Please for everyone's sake update soon I'd love to continue reading this!
Hrse-Ridr1997 chapter 17 . 8/11/2016
Oh my goodness! Oh my gosh, PLEASE update this! I'm in love with this story! They finally kissed! You are such a lovely writer, you have such a way with words! Please keep adding chapters!
Kaylaaa chapter 1 . 7/31/2016
Please please please update soon I'm eagerly waiting so please soon!
hornet22 chapter 17 . 7/10/2016
Jericalam chapter 17 . 7/5/2016
Oh my! I can't wait for the next chapter haha her hesitation is killing me! I just want to see them together and happy
bloodyhell-ronald chapter 17 . 5/26/2016
At least it's out in the open now, that they love each other. You can't do this to me! It hurts and makes me happy and I don't care how long I have to wait for the next chapter, I'm already excited to read it once it's finished.
shadows-of-1832 chapter 17 . 5/25/2016
I think the chapter was worth the wait.

The poor pair...I wanted to be happy for them in that brief second, but it's all so quickly over. The emotions they feel, I hope they can figure them out...
astoryinred chapter 17 . 5/25/2016
Ooh a dance scene. This is a surprise. Now what to do about the feelings? Thanks for the update!
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