Reviews for Enjoy the Fireworks
noylj chapter 1 . 5/3
He still needs to bag Gabby in a few years
HoneyBear84 chapter 1 . 4/26
Loved it
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 1 . 4/26
A wonderful one-shot here!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9
Damon Phillips chapter 1 . 7/29/2019
i find it ironic that i'm listening to partners in crime by set it off as i read this.
William Hecter chapter 1 . 7/16/2019
Mhm no.
Tenjo chapter 1 . 6/13/2019
I just read this again and like last time, I can’t help but comment on the whole ‘Tonks Potter’ thing. Now I know you’re aware of her given name since you’d used it at the start. So WHY did you not use it here? Another oddity is that Fleur’s family knows about it, but not Dora’s.. did you forget she had a family or did you just not include them since it wasn’t likely they’d be in attendance?
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 1 . 5/4/2019
EdTheBeast chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
Aw! Mr. & Mrs. Fleur Potter. Mr. & Mrs. Dora Black.
Tenjo chapter 1 . 3/8/2019
‘Tonks Potter’.. Yes. Because that’s precisely how names work hahah.
daniel2610994 chapter 1 . 1/3/2019
Lol I definitely loved this stiry and how it dealt with the weasleys wich I always hated ron, though curiously only him from the whole family, I mean I don't even hate percy and he is a major boot licker for the ministry.
And then how harry killed voldo with a gun was just so funny, because he killed him with a muggle weapon xD ohhh and lets not forget how he was also defeated by a domestic elf too haha.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/21/2018
WTF that certainly put a twist on things but it was really good
StevenTLawson chapter 1 . 8/25/2018
Ehh the pacing was far to quick, the lemons were pretty bland, the pay off was pretty tame.

"It's just you and me now Tom," he said happily, "Your Horcruxes are gone and I have the power you know not.".

"What power?" Voldemort demanded, trying to sound confident.

Rolling his eyes he pulled a pistol from his jacket and fired a single shot in-between Voldemort's eyes, "Fire power" he said simply.

Ok, that makes the short story worth it. Not my favorite but it's better than many stories on this site.
Bronze chapter 1 . 8/1/2018
This is one of the few that I've read where Bill was in on the steal from Harry Potter plot. I've quite a few where Molly, MoooRon, Ginny and Percy all conspired to rob Harry of every single knut. A couple where the twins were also involved but mostly they remain loyal to Harry. I'm sure there's way more then I've read where Hermione was in one it or was working with multi-great grandad Dumbledore to rob Harry. I cringe when I read Harry with Ginny in a summery as without a major overhaul, she's been raised as a fangirl of The-Boy-Who-Lived. Then a few where the entire Weasley was in on it. But by far the most I've come across are Dumbledore training Harry to be a martyr so he could have his vaults. He fails to tell about his family vaults. Never mind allow Harry to go into Gringotts alone so he could never find out. In most of those he blocks Harry from learning about Sirius's Will. So by far Dumbledore is a Dark Lord masquerading as the Leader of the Light. AS proof look to the first war with Riddle. How many died on the Light side compared to the Dark?
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28/2018
That was damn good not only the lemons but the plot to
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