Reviews for Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear
Guest chapter 38 . 8/24
I've read this story many times and your words still wreck me. Every time. I hope your still writing..because ever word is beautiful.
Anna Cullen Ross chapter 50 . 7/8
Wow, you're good with Angst. But thing is, my chest still feels tight. I mean, I loved it and the ending makes sense but... I don't know. It feels a bit anticlimatic. I feel like I need an epilogue or something, it 's too complicated to just stay like this.

Anyway, amazing job! I loved it, though I'm still suffering because this was hard with all the letters.

I'm glad they found the way to each other, but it's sad that they had to suffer so much, when they loved each other so fully. I especially loved the first day of his senior year picture, and him realizing the way she looked at him.

Thank you for writing this.
ChristianMom54 chapter 50 . 7/7
Wow that is really a great story. Well told and I loved the form it was written in. Thank you for sharing your talents with us again.
bellanedward4ever05 chapter 1 . 6/15
I hope one day you can add to this beautiful story. My problem is that the person that help break them apart got a destination wedding with the person she loved. There was no apology or remorse (as far as I understood). While yes, we can imagine what could have happen, I would love to read it coming from you. Because honestly I’m not very creative. Thank you for a wonderful story.
contagiously chapter 50 . 6/15
I was up until 2:30am last night reading this.. I think I read it before but couldn't remember finishing it. Anyway, my eyes are a puffy mess.

I'm so impressed you were about to write such a intricate, cohesive story from witfit prompts. Though you've yet again made me left wanting more. I finished So far from home and had the same feeling. I would love a glimpse at the future of any off your stories..
Gigileexo chapter 50 . 6/12
This has been on my TBR list for years and I’m so glad I finally took the plunge. I love how everything came full-circle, how they developed and rediscovered each other. I loved how real it was, flaws and all. I love your words and how you string them together. Thanks for sharing them.
-Gigi xo
Dreamweaver94 chapter 50 . 6/11
I would be willing to trade my first born for a few outtakes of these two. He’s the good one. Always does his homework, cleans his room and does a really good job at doing dishes. I kid, I kid. Maybe. This story and reunion is so wonderful but I’m aching for their first time. Maybe an Alice/Jasper wedding future shot? Your words kill me every time, even on rereads.
Dreamweaver94 chapter 23 . 6/11
“The boy I loved became a man, and I missed it.” I love this line.
Dreamweaver94 chapter 4 . 6/10
Blanket fort kisses are swoony.
Dreamweaver94 chapter 2 . 6/10
Rereading through your stories because your words bring me joy. You have the best characters out there. I wish I could buy your words and put them on my bookshelf. Maybe someday.
my2galspal chapter 50 . 5/20
I have not been so moved by a story in quite some time. I do love a good angsty fic, but this wasn’t just angst for angst sake. The writing was lovely and the character relationship was well developed. I would happily continue reading about their lives and rediscovey of one another forever, but also enjoyed the full circle style in which you wrote the fic.

Thanks for shaing your writing with the rest of us. I look forward to reading more of your work.
WannaLiveMyDream'95 chapter 49 . 5/17
My favorite. I come back so many times.

Could you grace us with a apart two.
I love the melancholy vibe in this fic.
Absolutely love it.

MsLiss chapter 50 . 1/31
Oh I want more
I will imagine
Thank you
MsLiss chapter 27 . 1/31
Sorry I get it the prompts are dated
It’s not for the story
Duh lol
Thank you
MsLiss chapter 26 . 1/31
I’m confused this is dated March? Christmas?
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