Reviews for Mirror, Mirror
bobtankerman chapter 1 . 12/27/2018
huh, weird,

still good tho its a nice story haven't heard of one like it before.

10/10 good

l like it
Chaos. Creator Of The Universe chapter 19 . 2/20/2017
ooohhh i want more now am sad
Fayerjiff chapter 6 . 1/18/2017
Ohhh I want enabler because it's amazing
confused chapter 1 . 3/29/2016
Um... when i read that basicly everyone was the opposite from the show
I thoughit would be more like, team rwby and cinder's group switched places and stuff
Not yang being like Jaune?
Ruby and Weiss are faunus sisters?
Idk... i stopped reading after 1/3
What was i to excpect from the rest of the story?
Cinder switched places with Ozpin?
Neo is Blake?
Cardin is like Velvet?
Blake is Pyrrha?
Now im confused...
Jashl Xxify chapter 3 . 5/5/2015
I don't understand Why everyone a Faunus!
AsuiKitsune chapter 7 . 12/10/2014
What could have possibly driven Ruby to go to a combat school when she didn't want to anything including Grimm
Fourze chapter 1 . 12/3/2014
It's gonna be difficult keeping track of all these changes :s
y1fellas chapter 18 . 8/20/2014
That was a better action scene then the last one. Pyrrha's pretty hardcore to actually succeed in a fight without using aura.
y1fellas chapter 17 . 8/16/2014
This story is actually a lot better than I was expecting. The drama is actually dramatic, the tension is actually somewhat tense, and the mysterious back stories are actually mysterious. Honestly, I wasn't expecting that. Good job.

The characters are actually well balanced and have some nicely flushed out and complicated interactions. Ruby is my least favorite, coming across as vulnerable and helpless, but she never hurts the story. Weiss and Yang working together to try and keep the team functional is also a good idea, especially with the way it falls to Weiss to be the voice of reason in most situations. Surprisingly, Blake turns out to be the scene stealer, with her paranoia, constant snark, and viciousness that make her a steady contrast to the earnestness of the rest of the team. Not to mention I'm pretty sure she planted a bomb on Weiss, so... yeah, interested to see where you go with her.

If this story has a real flaw, it's that the dialogue isn't as witty as it should be. With this level of intrigue, I feel like there should be a constant stream of memorable lines, but really there hasn't even been one. It's in the way each character speaks, the way none of their lines ever feel particularly in or out of character. The way they each talk individually sounds really samey, when I really feel like they should all sound completely different.

Still, not a bad story. I look forward to more.
AdamTobiasGrayson chapter 6 . 8/9/2014
Enabler, in this world, would be fine I think. though id be okay with pretty much any pairing (except if u put any of RWBY with Jaune or Ren. sorry just weird for me. my main ships are Freezerburn, Kitty Magnet, Blackrose, whatever Blake/Weiss are (hopin for that here).
Airchampion chapter 17 . 7/4/2014
A interesting way of how Velvet separate Pyrrha from her team as it make me even more curious what Velvet going to do to Pyrrha.
Anon chapter 16 . 6/27/2014
In your summary you said jaunes a badass , but he seems more like a egotistical prick that hasn't improved throughout the whole story. Jaunes not even that good at combat...
DataEntity chapter 15 . 6/22/2014
wow velvet is a bit of a b*tch in this haha
i think i prefer "canon velvet" or "yandere velvet"
Jozern chapter 16 . 6/21/2014
Very great work. Loving the new personalities and switharoos around. Excellent writing. Only real issue I have is that Jaune feels really bland. Altough I do think canon Jaune feels just bearly ok, created for the sake viewers to have a reason to explain in universe common knowledge to the viewer so maybe it's just his potential is lacking.

Two lesser pet peeves have to do with Ruby and Yang.

I really really REALLY want to find out my Ruby is being so anti killing, even grimm. I get that in your story grimm might not be the regular bloodthirsty monster but just an animal but goddamn still. I need a reason for her actions. Driving me crazy, and little by little not in a good way. I was baning my head to my desk (at lunch break at work XD) while reading the fight scene of Port's class. ANd with my luck I've managed to miss the part where it is explained. If that is the case my poor Dark Souls bruised soul will wither so badly.

I think you should have redone Yang's combat gear and kept her shy and insecure during combat too. It was somewhat gear stopping to have her jump into her canon personality in what felt a second. Perhaps would have added to her development and after sometime (year or so) she'd feel comfident about using canon similar clothes.

If your still on the fence about pairings allow me to spam you with my two cents. I am partial to Jaune x Pyrrah and Nora x Ren and actually keeping team RWBY single. I abmit; I came to RWBY to see badass sexy girls being awesome but I stayed for interesting world and story potential mutters silently under breath: and the girls. I'm a dude and I think quite a few of us like seeing cute/sexy/beautiful girls in a relationship (and mentally add the off screen parts) I just feel that having them paired of with each other just feels out of their character for me. They have a great thing going, why add something that would only complicate things to it? I'm possibly in the minority and loving it

Anyways, keep up the great work. I'm really looking forward for more.
growlscout chapter 16 . 6/21/2014
First off, the Noren - they come into canon and into your story with such an awesome existing bond and rapport that you can already see the love between them. The craziness of the one partner, balanced so nicely and tolerantly by the other is something a lot of folks would love to have in their own lives in a relationship. Even something as simple as being dragged out of bed, at the crack of dawn, for horrible food doesn't break Nora's stride. She grumbles and gripes to Ren, but even though she refuses to eat his masterpieces, actually leaves to order food for the team, you know he is still her best friend ever and, as far as we know, he isn't hurt by it. Most folks really want their romantic partner to be that best friend ever and sadly, they aren't always so fortunate. So, if you had not kept the existing friendship between Ren and Nora and had them start off as strangers, or even long time enemies (not rivals... that can create its own tension), you probably wouldn't have had as many folks asking for Renora. So, basically, its your fault. ;-)

I loved the contrast between Ren's awful cooking and Ruby's awesome cooking. :-) The scene between Weiss and Ruby was so heartwarming, but with just the touch of underlying sadness given the backstory/motivation of the anniversary. I am getting the idea that between the ages of 10 and 15 Ruby, while just as devoted to Weiss, spent a lot of time on her own. So far we have her being trained by Qrow, which would take a lot of time in itself, and now we have cooking lessons. Given that Weiss was the uber protective big sister between 2 and 10 (when by Ruby's account their Father stopped being a monster) to ensure Ruby's safety, it would make sense she would have noticed the lessons... and the skills. Given that Ruby does this every year, I am thinking either she learned this last year, or its the first time she hasn't had to fight off servants to do it. {:-) Loved the banter about Ruby's jewelry making vs. weapon-smithing skills. I get such a kick out of the thought of Yang assisting Ruby on this project. We haven't seen as much direct interaction between the two during the down time, but we keep seeing the products of their obvious time together: the Tuesday Team Night discussions, the necklace. It is really cool.

I have to agree with Weiss that believing the Ruby was adopted due to her pleading is, in its own way, heartwarming and hopeful as it shows that even in his darkest time, her Father still cherished her and what was important to her. Weiss' last observation was kinda on the sad side. While true, you know they both need each other (ok, Ruby needs Weiss more than the other way around) and right now, that Better Case Scenario is not realistic in the slightest as Ruby would not be able to cope at this point without Weiss as a constant in her life.

Velvet... Well, we see more of her personality and character. I have to give the rabbit props - she is honest. I don't know that most sadists would just flat out admit how much enjoyment they get from hurting or watching other folks be hurt. And what exactly is a "slapper"? I think I lost something in my English to American translation. Ok random question... just how tall is Velvet? I always saw Nora and Pyrrha as being on the tall side (Canon Pyrrha is the tallest one of them followed by Jaune), yet you have Velvet putting her arm around their shoulders and nape of neck - which means she is at least as tall as them?

Interesting development at the end there with the two grades. Is it that she took it twice or did she falsify the "A"? If it is the latter, Pyrrha you don't keep the evidence of the fraud with you! Good Grief! We are now seeing more of Velvet's game plan. The fact that she is after Jaune is somewhat comforting, but I am upset that Pyrrha and Nora are going to be collateral damage potentially. I am sending you a PM to expound on that.

Looking forward to the next developments!
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