Reviews for This is War
GlOmP3R chapter 5 . 3/7/2015
This is horrible ! I love it. Kickass job.
girlwithafilmcamera chapter 5 . 7/8/2014
This is so good! I am completely in love with this story and I can't wait to see how it all ends. Thank you for writing this!
Alana84 chapter 5 . 6/23/2014
I cannot begin to say how much I've been missing this amazing fic of yours, so naturally I was really excited to see a new update, yay, hehe! Anyway, I really liked the ending quote and the lyrics in the beginning of this chapter, very fitting, as always!

Now to the actual chapter itself; which was more than great and well written yet again, of course. I really liked the scene with Derek running away, as far as possible, not that he got very far, that is, and his inner monologue, was very interesting to read about, him thinking about Kate and then Stiles, that is! Okay, so it was Scott, that found Stiles, well, that's good!

But I think I liked the second part of this chapter a bit more, simply because of the way Derek stormed into the hospital and the way he reacted to Scott telling him what had happened with Stiles and whatnot and when Derek started yelling it was Scott's fault and all that, I really think he was more upset with himself more than anything, why he couldn't protect Stiles, etc. I mean!

It's clearly not over for “our boys” just yet, is it?! Now I cannot wait to read more, so please update soon...Ps. Hopefully not over a months time, that is. And more Stiles, please...Ds.
WolfWarrior16 chapter 5 . 6/18/2014
So happy to see an update on this story! Despite being heartbreaking chapter, I loved it and cannot wait for the next update, which I hope will be soon! :)
Alana84 chapter 4 . 4/26/2014
Wow, this chapter totally blew me away, it's that good, honestly, you should definitely feel good about it! And yes, I completely love this fic of yours, it's awesome, everything from the plot, to the character portrayal and interaction, to the atmosphere and the emotions. Especially all the Sterek interactions, even that “awful” scene in the previous chapter, oh, poor Stiles, and Derek too, of course, they're totally pretty messed up, so therefore they should definitely try to help each other and heal.

Man, that was heartbreaking to read about, especially this chapter, about that Stiles feels helpless and that he feels like he's hurting everyone he cares about, and that he feels like only thing he can do is to commit suicide. Because damn, that was really hard to read about, and I really hope/(and feel) that Derek will be able to forgive/(understand) Stiles, why he said what he say and did what he did! Yes, it still was a really shitty thing to say (and I'm in no way making excuses for him, even though Stiles, himself has had some pretty shitty experiences of late), considering what Derek has been through and all that! All I'm saying that I hope they will be able to move forward and heal.

And yes, longer chapter would be very much appreciated, laughs, but as long as you continue to write and update, I'm fine, so... Now, I cannot wait to read more, so please update soon. Ps. I totally adore the quotes in the beginning of each chapter, they're really great and the lyrics at the end of every chapter, are as well. Ds.
uke hime-sama chapter 4 . 4/25/2014
Love it
WolfWarrior16 chapter 4 . 4/25/2014
I think this chapter was beautifully written, don't sell yourself short! But, I have to beg that you make them just a little bit longer. :)
randomrocky chapter 1 . 4/9/2014
Omg I loved this I kinda want them to explore Stiles feelings like this in Season 4 it would be great!
WolfWarrior16 chapter 3 . 4/8/2014
This was a hard chapter to read, but you are right, it needs to be done! Please update soon! 3
WolfWarrior16 chapter 2 . 4/7/2014
I am loving this story so far and can't wait to see where it is heading! Please update when you can!
Wilhelm Wigworthy chapter 1 . 4/1/2014
This is great! You've obviously put a lot of time and effort into this! Rock on!