Reviews for Two hearts, one soul
Ad chapter 41 . 8/30
Please please add more books
Magoma69 chapter 41 . 8/25
Please please you have to update real soon. This is the best story that I have ever read. You must publish it. Change the names or something but publish it. You are a very good writer. Please update soon.
stellahayes35 chapter 41 . 8/17
update please want to read more
Mr Greys Girl chapter 41 . 8/9
Love this story so far, please please please post more soon.
Lisa chapter 21 . 7/22
I really think Ana is a hypocrite. In the beginning she told him over and over furiously to let his guard down and once he does and keeps no secrets anymore she punishes him for that. I don't like this part of the story or this part of her character.
unicornlover99 chapter 41 . 7/22
thanks for the update. can't wait for more.
Nataly29 chapter 41 . 7/9
Oh no! Adon again!? But they have security? Please update soon!
Linda Dockery chapter 41 . 7/4
No, no, no I've been waiting patiently but can't anymore this cliffhanger is going to drive me to drink. Please update next chapter soon please
Love this story you are amazing thank you for sharing your thoughts and imagination with us
Abbybaby1 chapter 41 . 7/1
Please update soon.
Dseiladmnd chapter 41 . 6/29
Great I’m so hooked still and I’m all caught up. Can’t wait for more. Thank you.
CupcakeW chapter 4 . 6/29
Que terrible. Nooo. Leila debe estar muerta Ya! El pudo haberla echado y quedarse con su hijo porque ella era la adultera y tenía pruebas. Me parece un poco débil en ese aspecto. Ser bueno no es sinónimo de estúpido. Si es tan poderoso y rico, puede controlar ésto. Odio a la insípida de Leila y es tan cínica que todavía se atreve a pedir dinero y mencionar a Demetrios.
CupcakeW chapter 1 . 6/29
It's the first chapter but, I just wants Leila heads down! Ugh! CG is so sentimental here! More sweet?
dorisalynne2003 chapter 41 . 6/28
On dear. I have waited to catch up so I would have lots to read. I'm caught up and cant? Wait to segregate next. Hoping it's not long!
Raewyn Katene chapter 41 . 6/27
When you posting again
Twinder chapter 41 . 6/25
Omg omg omg please save them and save Ana! All need happiness. Andreas and Miss Mariano also! I can’t wait for more
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