Reviews for Love, Your Baby's Boy
Happy Trash Bag chapter 12 . 4/3/2019
This is such a nice story! Like, almost never do you come across a story that treats Splinter like a person with troubles and conflicts, with a past and regrets that don't soley involve Tang Seng and Saki. And just, his struggles with having a couple of adopted sons. It's a fact that's so often brushed over, the implication of them being adopted and the way it's been so often treated in both canon and fanfiction. So you can imagine how freaking delightful this must has been, stumbling upon this fic. It's basically everything I could have hoped for after having first read the description. You made him so gentle without ever feeling like some kind of ever-patient entity existing above and looking down upon everybody else that I so often find myself feeling disconnected with. Like, he's a person with thoughts and desires and he shouldn't be without fear or shame.

But yeah, the charater interaction. It's good man, like, you're really good at making everybody feel natural and act and think in ways I find totally believable. The infighting between the brothers and the guilt Raph carries with him. The reluctant cooperation and general "I guess this is happening now" that being siblings carries with itself. Also just, that tiny freaking detail of Donnie immediately jumping upon April being there, so eager, while his little brother just got his arm broken and it's obvious for the whole world but himself she mainly came over to cheer up Mikey. It's that low-key, actually not that low-key, desperation that so recognizable of this incarnation's Donnie. Well done, really cracked me up there. Fit really well without it being even the tiniest bit distracting. It just fit.

And gosh, Mikey is such a sweety. He's always been a sweety, if a bit, maybe sometimes a lot, annoying at times. And their Obaa-san looks to be such a true and honest person. Like, I can already see everything going wrong in their plan, especially with Casey being involved, but I'm so looking forward to them all meeting. I can already picture the reunion between mother and son and I want so bad for them to find each other again. It's a noble mission, if the end result is for Sayuri to hold her son in her arms again, even if he's basically a giant freaking furry now.

Well, I guess I just wanted to say you wrote a really good fic already and I'm excited about all the possible heart-warming and/or heartbreaking scenarios this fic might bring. Really good job, you really write everybody so well, I can't wait to see how you characterize somebody like Sayuri. So much possibilities! Guess I'm as eager as Mikey to find out.
Brittany-Mel chapter 12 . 1/29/2019
I love this story. I do hope you’ll continue it.
Iukarey chapter 12 . 7/20/2018
please, you must continue your fic. It's wonderful, I love it. I understand that sometimes there is no time to write, but I hope with all my heart that you can update soon. Once again, I apologize for using a translator for not knowing English. Still, the language is not an impediment to enjoy your story. I can not imagine what Sayuri will do if she sees her son. please you must continue. I say goodbye to you, wishing you the best. get a hug from your friend
Iukarey chapter 8 . 7/20/2018
Hi. I must confess something: I do not know English. but the language is not an impediment to enjoy your story, and for that the translator was invented. I just hope you understand my review. I love your fic. I love him. you know? That Leo is being spiteful. For me he is winning a few lashes to see if he leaves his bad mood with poor Raph. I hope things do not get complicated with Sayuri, although I do not know how it affects her to know that her son is a mutant rat and has four adorable turtle grandchildren.
I again apologize for not knowing much English. I think I should take classes. I'm just saying I love your fic.
see you latter
Zany the Nerd chapter 5 . 5/2/2017
Mikey not knowing what a grandma is makes me think about when I was little. I had no clue people had two sets of grandparents because I only knew the ones of my mother's side. For years I thought people who had two grandparents were people who had divorced parents...not really sure why I though that, but I did.
Back to the story though, great work! Mikey would be fascinated with the idea of an extended family!
J.J. Norris chapter 12 . 3/7/2017
This was so adorable. I can't wait for your next update. Keep up the awesome work!
SewerSurfin chapter 12 . 2/20/2017
This is a great chapter too! I definitely love this story! It's very unique and inventive, and you have a great handle on the characters. I really do love 2k12 Splinter so much!
SewerSurfin chapter 11 . 2/20/2017
AHH I love this so much! Mikey is the sweetest thing optimistic and hopeful and wants the best for everyone. Great convo between Splinter and Raph too:D
Vi-Violence chapter 12 . 2/9/2017
It's great to see this fic again.
Guest chapter 12 . 1/7/2017
Yayayayayayyayaaya I am so happy that this is updated! :D I know Mikey just wants to learn about his family, but is there something deeper? like Mikey has probably noticed that Master Splinter has been Sad since discovering Karai...:maybe he wants to make him happy...which goes a long with what Splinter was thinking...that maybe his sons think he isn't happy with his sons. :/ I know it happens with al adopted children. Feeling as if they are not enough for their adopted parents. Especially since miwa is alive...
Ninjas Say Hi chapter 12 . 1/6/2017
So. I've pretty much just find this story and now that I've finished reading. I love it, please tell that you won't take another year to update. Everything so far was great, poor Mikey, poor Raph at the start he felt so bad for what he did to his own baby brother because of anger. Look forward to the next update. :)
No Guns Only Roses chapter 12 . 1/5/2017
That's a cute story, the one about Bubba and Harley!

Mozart's Fantasy chapter 12 . 1/5/2017
I'm so glad that you have started writing this again! I really hope that you update soon. This story is amazing :)
Lydja-chan chapter 12 . 1/5/2017
Glad to see this update! A unique take that you have made so entertaining. Great job.
zeldawolf2000 chapter 12 . 1/5/2017
YES YOU'RE BACK! I've miss the story a lot. I'm glad you found more inspiration. Keep it up! It's really exciting. The one thing I could recommend though, is, to be more descriptive with their emotions. You're telling more than showing. Describe how their bodies react to the way they're feeling instead of just saying how they're feeling. It's more immersive that way.

Anyway, I hope writing is easier for you now that you found more inspiration.
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