Reviews for Not Herself Mean
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2017
Awww, this was absolutely lovely! Thanks for a great read! :)
Miss B chapter 1 . 6/7/2015
reeaally cute!
Samantha chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
Hi so I used a quote from here on a gifset but I'm on my phone so I'll link you later
DeaddddAcccount chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
BRB CRYING! JK but this was wow. I can't even describe your stories. They're like perfection, drama, heart-breaking, and so loveable at the same time! (Does that make sense?) I really love this. Thank you for taking the time to write it.
AnthroQueen chapter 1 . 5/26/2014
Oh my god, it broke my heart when she said that too. She's easily one of the most selfless people ever, she's so dedicated to those she loves and she's so spectacular, and yet she still thinks she's awful. It hurts. But not as much, I don't think, as "Every time I go away I forget how beautiful you are," paralleled with her thought, "Then don't go away anymore." Ouch. Are you trying to kill me?

Also- "If she came out of this with her sanity intact- and by the way things were going, that was a big if-" I legitimately laughed out loud. I have no idea why I thought that was so hilarious, but it's painfully true. All of these girls are going to need serious therapy when this is all over. Anyway, your metaphors and similes are amazing and I just love the way you write Spencer and Toby. They're both so fiercely protective of one another and I doubt we'll get a conversation like this when season 5 returns. So when we don't, I'll come back here. Haha. Such a great story!
Amon chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
I love you so I want you to hurry And post A new story
Guest chapter 1 . 4/6/2014
This is so perfect! 3 You should write more stories! You're really talented! :)
erinsgirl chapter 1 . 4/7/2014
Awww! This is so sweet.

You really got inside their minds especially Spence's. I kinda thought the same thing during the last few eps. Spencer clearly just wanted to run to Toby and confess all and have him hold her.

You hit the nail on the head too. Spencer's the strongest of the Liars but she's also the most vulnerable because the only real support system she has is Toby and the girls. Her family love her but are as shady as hell and can't be what she needs. The others at least have one actual parent each.

And even the girls aren't enough. It's not intentional but they do sort of rely on her for everything and she's determined to protect them. Toby's the only person who she'll actually let see her weak because he's the one she trusts to help her back up. She's the girls' protector, Toby's her protector.

It's why his 'betrayal and death' hit her so badly. She ends up in Radley and everyone's either surprised or 'it was bound to happen', 'she was the weakest link.'

It was Mona offering her Toby that ended up getting her out.

The reason she and Toby manage to get so much done even when their lives are falling to pieces (seriously even in withdrawal, a break-down or as police suspects they're still probably more productive than half the other characters) is because they're always getting the really raw end of whatever wants to make them suffer. And they reason they rely so much on each other (even when they're fighting) is because they have no one else.

Sorry to unload but I thought your story just got the character psyches. I'm looking forward to the next one.
cat chapter 1 . 4/4/2014
This was truly amazing!
TheVelvetDusk chapter 1 . 4/5/2014
There are too many good things in this fic. Like I can't even organize my thoughts because of the potential praise I could heap upon you at this moment. Soooo let's start with BACKSEAT LOVING. WOAHHH. That was amazing. I love the way you wrote the need that passed between them, the way Spencer required that physical connection reignited almost as some sort of fulfillment in her post-breakdown recovery. And Toby reciprocating without a doubt, just taking her to the backseat and giving himself to her. IN THE CAR. ok. I'm done. I'll calm down.

And this line somehow grabbed me in such a meaningful way: And she marveled at how whenever he came back, he always brought her appetite with him. Another beautiful expression of how Spencer's world is out of rhythm when Toby isn't in it.

And Toby. Getting that voicemail, losing it, and storming right over to her and picking her up like a child. Flawless. Of course the show won't pick up nearly enough of this kind of aftermath and I'm so grateful that you've filled that gap. Toby would be heartbroken to come home to that message. Lovely work on that scene :)

As disappointed as he is over the whole Alison thing, what you wrote is true- they've both hurt each other so many times, but the love they have for each other is too strong to fail. I liked the moment of vulnerability where Toby talked about Jenna, proving to Spencer that she's no the only one who has a struggle with the darkness. Bless her for thinking she's tainting the boy, but he's hardly been sheltered from life's harsher side.

I'll shut up now. I just needed to say that this was ridiculously good and moving and important. Also, I'm already predicting that I'll need to read this again when the show premiers and leaves all of these loose ends unfinished. Thanks. For. Writing. I'm kind of obsessed with your stories!
liberal4peace chapter 1 . 4/5/2014
Aww. :) chapter 1 . 4/5/2014
OMG yes I love it so much! If that happens I will literally die of happiness! This is one of the best oneshots ever!
choose joy xox chapter 1 . 4/5/2014
Holy shit. I just melted into a massive puddle of feels. They're going to have to put death by spoby onto my tombstone OMG. This was wonderful and beautiful and perfect an just so them! OMG. I'm going to go back through and read it again right now Because it's peeeeerfect. Upload your next one shot soon because I'm going to spontaneously combust without your writing!
lepetitmort21 chapter 1 . 4/5/2014
First of all, I love your stories. Not just love but LOVE love! This one is just one more example of your incredable talent!
This story will always be my favorite lookout into season 5 no matter if our spoby future will look exactly like this (hopefully) or not. It beautifully shows how strong their relationship is. In my opinion they're (as of right now) the strongest couple the show has and this needs to stay like that!
Anyway, I love this story in particular just like ALL your other ones! Keep on doing the beautiful work you've already done! Lots of love 3 xxx
Starlight000 chapter 1 . 4/5/2014
This was incredibly amazing! I loved it so much and it is definitely one of my favourite Spoby fanfics.!
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