Reviews for i know who i want to to take me home
Miss Dreavus chapter 1 . 6/29
Very sweet fic.
You did an amazing job with the lines, very in character.

Thoroughly enjoyed it
enarcoyufuin chapter 1 . 3/22/2018
keep on writing. what a good read!
Susan chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
This was a great read. Loved it!
Useless-Materia chapter 1 . 11/12/2014
This was lovely. And the last line really makes it for me. It's a good story, with characters who are honest with themselves. And I love that.
Leprechaun's Fairy chapter 1 . 10/17/2014
Eeek! I've wanted Jake and Amy together since the series started but I just recently started reading fanfiction about them (why I waited, I have no idea!) but you did wonderfully! The characterization was spot on and this was a lovely piece!
FULL BOYLE chapter 1 . 4/13/2014



Guest chapter 1 . 4/9/2014
This is adorable. No constructive criticism to offer, just having some feels.
Anon154 chapter 1 . 4/7/2014
This was really wonderful! It's still shocking to me how perfectly in character you made every single person; it's amazing! Gina with her "sad clown" line (loved that you mentioned her Dina Lohan lotion by the way, I love when small tidbits from actual episodes are mentioned in the fic), Rosa's "boning down" advice, Boyle's pushing glances and musical choice, Holt's stoic expression but wise words, Amy's confusion and usual curiousity, and of course Jake; his deflection of emotions with jokes, his usual goofiness, and just EVERYTHING was spot-on. I really hope you write more fanfic for these two, especially to get us through the hiatus. I also loved the format you did with this, it's something unique not many have done. You pulled it off well, with every character having a scene. Gah, this was just absolutely wonderful. :) The humor in this was really great too; I honestly felt like I was just watching anew episode of B99. :D

Here were some (okay, A LOT ;]) of my favorite lines:

"Is it the pulled-back hair that's doing it for you, or…?"

"Ohhh, little lamb," Gina coos, reaching over and patting his hand. "This is serious? Let me help. I'm great at advice. And everything."

Gina nods sagely. "I know. My wisdom is truly a gift."

"Why aren't you over there being happy with the rest of these jerks?"

"Find a stranger. Bone down. Feelings over."

"Boyle's latest approach is just to play "Tell Her About It" on repeat on the bar's jukebox and shoot him pointed looks,"

"By me. Personally. Because I'm the best detective-slash-genius ever."

"Not that I don't love this, Captain, because it totally cements our status as homies, but why are we drinking at 2pm on a Sunday?"

When you're on one, you…" he trails off with a shrug. "Yeah, I didn't really have anywhere to go there, I don't know what they say."

"Also Gina has been sending me daily text updates on your… situation for some time."

"Because deep down you were hoping it would turn into a fight to the death to appease your secret bloodlust?" Jake guesses. "Sorry, still uncomfortable with emotions."

"Life is too short to be unhappy, Peralta."

"Well okay I'm drunk, but I'm drunk like singing-Taylor-Swift-karaoke drunk, not I-don't-know-what-I'm-saying drunk."

"This would be the moment, he thinks, to man the fuck up. Cards on the table."

"What? No, I don't. I don't like you. That's stupid. That would be stupid. You're stupid."

"It's more of a clarity cigarette."

"It's the second time she's rendered him speechless tonight; the woman has mastered the art of dropping a bombshell."

"Two weeks ago you said 'it's meant to be better the second time' and I did not make a sex tape joke!"

"She nods solemnly. "I did notice that. I was worried."

Really hope you add more to AO3 and/or this Archive; I love your style of writing, and can't wait to read more from you. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 4/7/2014
This was such a lovely read! Loved your writing and the story idea, good work! Keep writing (:
Midnight Cheesecake Maker chapter 1 . 4/7/2014
Omg, that was freakin awesome! So funny, so in character, just, yeah, wow. Your Jake was amazing! One of the best by far! Loved it, thank you for writing this!
skyeborn chapter 1 . 4/7/2014
I've already this on tumblr or A03, but just wanted to repeat, SO GOOD. I love how everyone kind of helps these two idiots get together. Such children.