Reviews for Above Ground
rainingmist08 chapter 28 . 6/27/2016
I don't even know how to start to say how much I've enjoyed this story.
The way you were able to capture each of the characters so well that I could easily hear each of their voices in my head when they had dialog is amazing. Your the first author I've read something from that was able to do this so incredibly well AND concistantly threw out the entire story. You made it so easy to imagine each characters ascents and speech style. Not to mention how you captured each characters unique common phrases and insults and flawlessly used them.
Not once did I feel you rushed any of the characters relations, as I feel happens a lot in people's stories. Though as much as I wanted to see the different couples be together earlier, I really enjoyed how everything came together in a natural pace. Not rushed and felt totally believable.
The way you describe events and locations in your AU verse was great. You didn't slack or leave empty gaps. I can tell you put a ton of thought and energy into this verse. I've literally read hundreds if not thousands of fanfics and this one is defiantly one of the best I've read. But definitely THE best in terms of the author capturing each characters personality and traits.
Thank you so much for sharing. Reading this story each night for the last few weeks has been a highlight for the month making me smile and laugh. And reminding me why I love this series and its characters.
beep chapter 28 . 6/1/2016
This story is on FFnet as well?


I'll have to add it to my favourites, then.

(Notably, this has a lot less favourites amd reviews amd follows then it does on AO3- Considering how most of the RvB fanfiction seem to be there instead of here, that's rather understandable.)
vamptigergal chapter 28 . 1/26/2016
Vanessa and North, are they a thing? Need answers, new ship...
WargishBoromirFan chapter 28 . 1/13/2016
So much adorableness, I don't even have the words, but I just love seeing the healing going through this end, the way they've grown stronger for the connections, and it's friggin' wonderful.
Breyzy chapter 28 . 1/11/2016
Wow, this was a great epilogue to this fic and verse! I really enjoyed the ride, and I was glad to see all of the characters getting happy endings here that still seemed realistic given the plot. As always, your characterizations, relationships, and interactions shine! I love how you write so many of the characters because their narrations totally fit. Great job with this amazing fic. I am really looking forward to future stories you write! Words do not begin to describe how well-written this story was, so THANK YOU for sharing it and seeing it all the way to completion too. Great story! XD
ToeGirth chapter 27 . 1/3/2016
Oh man. I'm a bit sad it took me so long to just sit down and read this already, but boy am I glad I did. Despite your concerns I think you tied everything up quite neatly. Honestly I enjoy the rush of relief and excitement this chapter made me feel, though I imagine it's nothing compared to what the characters themselves are going through.

Some may be upset at the overall open ending but I think it holds more weight. It leaves room for speculation whilst still accomplishing what you set out to do with this story from the beginning.

That being said I can't wait to read what else you have in store. Your writing is exceptional and even if life gets in the way sometimes I'll be right here waiting for your updates. I hope to review in the future on your next literary journey. Until next time!

Signing Out
WargishBoromirFan chapter 27 . 12/15/2015
All the fuzzies and payoff here, while Kimball and Locus and Wyoming reinforce that there's still a long way to go... I needed this. It's been a great ride, and I'm thankful to have been able to read a way that a lot more of the gang might earn their happy endings in this verse. :)
Breyzy chapter 27 . 12/13/2015
This chapter was an excellent conclusion, and I like how everything regarding this battle has been resolved but there is the underlining political side that the characters even acknowledge still need to be addressed. As always, your characterization is spot on! Loved all of your character interactions and how the relationships have all pretty much been cemented here (it makes so much sense that most would have to wait until AFTER the threat of imminent danger to really have their talks/moments). I am looking forward to seeing how things have progressed for everyone in the Epilogue, but this was a very fulfilling final chapter to what I think is one of the best RvB fics out there. So, a major THANK YOU is in order to you for how you built this world and the characters in it, as well as for being awesome and sharing it with all of us! 3
CoO chapter 27 . 12/12/2015
Thank you so much!
CoO chapter 26 . 12/3/2015

Thank you for sharing!
WargishBoromirFan chapter 26 . 9/23/2015
If my response to this chapter comes out an incoherent mess of adsafglSouthffjdkssRedemtionnotforgivenkjssdsChurchyousuicidalassholefadfjkWyjfgaksEXPLOSIONZ!kljsdLocusain'tdonekjhfhaksdEEEEEEE! I'm gonna blame the lack of communication outside of the A/VIs, since there is no way to stop the flappy fangirl hands in this case. But all the family interactions and rising tension and guh. adsafgl. Awesome.
Breyzy chapter 26 . 9/21/2015
DARN YOU AND THAT CLIFFHANGER~! But, in all seriousness, this was a great chapter! I loved how the battle and all of the characters came together. The pacing fit extremely well to emphasize that they were in fact on a time crunch and in a fight without sacrificing the world building and character interactions I've come to love from this fic. I know you said this was your longest chapter so far, but it honestly didn't *feel* like it when I was reading...which is a good thing because it shows just how well you managed to convey the atmosphere of the fighting to me. Like always, your characterization is spot-on and perfect. My favorites this time around were actually South (I so very rarely see her portrayed accurately to the show in fic and you managed it really well here!), Church, Kimball, Sarge, Donut, Dr. Grey, Wash, Locus, Tucker, Wyoming, Doc, Kai, Palomo, Bitters, Simmons, and Grif...but, honestly? I don't think there's one character who you don't characterize extremely well in this fic (and it really showed in this chapter given how so many of them had lines!). Parts of this chapter were intense and parts made me laugh out loud, so I think you've really nailed the "feel" of RvB in this story. So, yeah, that cliffhanger was mean but also extremely well-written (I wasn't expecting it to be Simmons!). I am eagerly looking forward to how everything resolves now. Great job! As always, this chapter was fantastic!
WargishBoromirFan chapter 25 . 7/27/2015
Oh my goodness, after the blanket fort and one sibling showdown, I was not expecting that from Wyoming, though we can only hope that South takes things half so well as Kai did...
Breyzy chapter 25 . 7/25/2015
Awesome set-up chapter! As always, the characterization is spot-on! Loved the interaction with Kai and Grif (so fitting!), as well as the couple interactions between Grimmons and Tuckington. The Church part was great, especially with the Wyoming twist! The South cliffhanger has me anxious-yet-eagerly awaiting the next chapter. Great way to set-up what is looking to be the final battle! XD
ToeGirth chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
I'm not the best at leaving reviews but I try to make a point to encourage those doing an amazing job.

It took me two weeks but I finally finished what has been published of this story so far and I must say reading this is one of the best decisions I have made. I saw the word count at over 400,00 and wasn't sure if I was ready to make such a commitment, though I'm glad I did.

Red Vs. Blue is one of my favorite shows. I have watched and re-watched and re-re-watched it over and over again. When I enjoy something as much as I do RVB I get nervous when it comes to entering the fandom and reading fanfictions. I've seen enough good and bad stories to last a lifetime. I had been searching for something to read but every story kept reaching that point where none of the characters are as they should be, or the basis of the story is just bad. The thing is, I was so desperate for just a bit more of the characters I so love and kept searching for something worth reading.

Then I found Above Ground and boy did you blow my mind. It is by far the best RVB fanfiction I have read so far. You put so much thought into the plot. The world building is informative without getting boring. The charactors are spot on throughout the entire thing. The pairings are adorable and move at a believable pace. I didn't even think of Tuckington before this but just a few perfect portrayals and I'm a believer. Though I have to say I prefer the Pairing name to be Washer.

I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you. Thank you for having the courage to post this, I know from experience that showing others your hard work can be nerve wracking. Thank you for sticking with this. People underestimate just how much time and effort go into creating something like this. Thank you for sharing your amazing story, I hope to see more in the future.

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