Reviews for My Spirit Warrior
rachel625 chapter 97 . 2/3
This has been an incredible story! I loved how you kinda kept with the timeline of New Moon and Eclipse but made it your own. They were such an adorable couple! I knew that she was going to go into labor as he went to fight the newborns!lol Thanks for the great read!
yellowscool chapter 48 . 12/22/2019
she’s a little extra hahahahahaha
yellowscool chapter 24 . 12/22/2019
ima pretend she didn’t do a lot of things in this ahahaah
Guest chapter 46 . 11/4/2019
The only thing that would explain Gemma's awful behaviour is her turning into a wolf. If not, then she's just a b!
Guest chapter 44 . 11/4/2019
Gamma acted like such a B in this chapter
Blazeb79 chapter 97 . 11/1/2019
Really fun story. I loved it. I was hoping that eddy boy would leave bella after he found out what a beeatch she is and she had a shitty life but you went for the happy ever after
Blazeb79 chapter 57 . 10/31/2019
Bellas dumbass will go back to ednerds arms.
Blazeb79 chapter 26 . 10/30/2019
Not gonna lie it would have been nice to see paul chase her and beg for her back after shit he pulled. Im not saying it wasnt in her best interest but all that pain she went through and she just takes him back like an idiot teenager. At least make him work for it ya know.
Alexis996 chapter 98 . 6/25/2019
Saying I loved this story is a huge understatement. I can’t express how much love I have for My Spirit Warrior! It was incredible!
Alexis996 chapter 46 . 6/25/2019
I knew it! This whole time I’m like, he’s probably just building their house, why not tell Gem it’s a surprise?
Guest chapter 98 . 8/29/2018
I have read this so many times and I just want to say I absolutely adore this story!
bloodydarkangel chapter 98 . 1/17/2018
Sweetie I just read that from start to finish and that was an emotional rollercoaster in the best way. I felt her pain when Paul left her and I started crying and I felt the joy at their wedding and I felt rage at Bella. You truly have a gift for writing please don’t ever stop or get discouraged by anything YOU HAVE SO MUCH TALENT! I found this story randomly and it’s the first story that I have read from you and I can’t wait to see what your others are like.
Guest chapter 98 . 10/9/2017
i LOVED THIS STORY SO MUCH! The characters were so real and lovable and the plot was amazing. Thank you xx
hls-myth chapter 13 . 7/31/2017
If I may clear a few things up: no one but the military owns base housing. You leave/transfer, your house is open for the next person coming in. There are usually different levels of housing depending on rank (ie, a colonel will get a much biggerbetter house than a lower ranking officer). A larger family will have a larger house though, ranks mixed in that neighborhood. If no living facilities are available when you transfer in, you stay in temporary housing/living facility (TLF) which is kinda like a hotel or studio apartment. Cramped for a family of 5 (mine)! I know this is for the sake of your story though. Source: lived on Hickam AFB in Hawaii for 4 years and Air Force brat for 18 years.
Typha chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
I'm really interested in reading this story and I will.

However I just want to point out a flaw from the Twilight series:

Native American tribes appointed leaders by a group decision. It was elder woman who actually pulled the strings but unanimous decisions were needed to make official decisions.

Whoever had the qualities necessary to lead the group was decided to be the leader. If the leader lacked the qualities necessary for the group, they would be removed and someone else would be appointed to be leader.

It was common for tribes for have several leaders for specific purposes, for example: war leader, hunt leader, general leader, etc. It was not necessarily a specific title, it was who was best suited to lead the group.

When white people came over (I want to say it was the French who started this trend), they did not understand groups of people without a set hierarchy. So one of the ways that white people approached assimilating native Americans was by saying that each tribe needed some form of royalty - their "chief" - and made it a thing that bloodline mattered. When in reality, to Native Americans, it did not. Chiefs were leaders of the group, decided by the group. Not by bloodlines or titles or by right.

I'm just pointing out that the whole "I'm descendant of the chief" or "my bloodline" in the twilight series when it comes to the Native Americans/werewolves is actually a horrible native stereotype based on cultural genocide. Bad on Stephanie Meyers.

Anyways, I'm going to go back to continue this story because it looks well-written so far
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