Reviews for People Aren't Meant to Fly
Odesta Irom chapter 1 . 6/27/2014
The style is very choppy, yet poetic, just as if it was from the very mouths of the babes in the story.
We forget that there is still an innocence in those, much too young to understand the evils that surround games. Their ignorance is truly blissful in their moments at the edge of the pier, and that is was makes it so tragically beautiful, because one day their memories of their flight will be grounded by the burdens of not just growing up, but having to survive.
The relationship you have built between Annie and Finnick is wonderful. How even though they aren't quite on the same page, there is something about Annie that Finnick adores and has to hold on to.
I am glad you took the risk with this style. A bit rough, but it works. Good job.
Chasing Silmarils chapter 1 . 6/27/2014
Yes, this was definitely poetic - but it was poetic in a good way. I must confess that I'm not a fan of this style, but I think what made it nice for me was that it wasn't angsty ramblings about two lovers, it was about two little kids becoming friends. It was very sweet; younger Finnick was so innocent, and Annie was a very good friend to him.
I loved the little interludes of poetry. I had to check the author's note to make sure you wrote them yourself at first!
Some nitpicking: I assume it's part of the style, but there's a lot of sentences that start with 'and', which is grammatically incorrect (but used a lot anyway, so...). And something was off about the final line of the first poem: did you mean to say '/they/ lose their light'?
Amazing writing!
harper price chapter 1 . 4/17/2014
sorry for the late review! i'm a lazy piece of shit. :c

i think i actually forgot how to write a review, since i haven't reviewed anything in forever, but i'll try my best.

first off: HOW DO YOU WRITE SOMETHING SO BEAUTIFUL IN 1.2K WORDS. how did you know that i love fics about childhood and flying oh flying it's beautiful and asdfghjkl this just has everything i love oh my god it's perfect ily johanna

i loved the italicized bits of poetry! they were so meaningful and god i just really love the whole childhood comes to an end theme.

i love how it isn't really romance, more like friendship because they're kids, and hdjsnsnahqujsns i love the whole childhood innocence thing and ahhhh the ending and how people can fly

the writing style was perfect and i love it it's like all childhood-y (i'm so eloquent) but yeah what estoma said

sorry for the crap review! i really don't know how to do this but just know that I LOVED IT I LOVED EVERYTHING OKAY BYE KEEP SHIPPING ODESTA KEEP WRITING FLAWLESS STUFF
roots are good chapter 1 . 4/14/2014
Wow, that was beautiful. I loved the poetry throughout the story. It was kind of sad but lovely.

I've heard this style of story before, and in some cases it works, some cases it doesn't. I don't know why, but the style seems really dreamy, like I'm watching the scene through a cloud. I thought you made it work here. It worked well with the idea of childhood, of not caring and never focusing on anything too long.

I loved watching Annie and Finnick grow up to be friends. It was so cute! It made me laugh when Finnick said, "this is why girls are dumb." XD I remember that phase.

The last scene was definitely my favorite, when they jumped into the water together and "flew." Absolutely lovely, thank you for that.
Estoma chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
Oh! I rather love this one. It's going to be an incoherent review (you must forgive me, I think I used up all my brain juice in a report on the effects of dendritic spine regrowth in transgenic mice), because this is such a different piece!

The present tense gave a lovely sense of childhood and immediacy. Because really, that is childhood, isn't it? Everything's either happening now, or it's too far in the future to worry about. As an adult, I kept worrying about the impending Reaping, so I'm glad you stopped the story before that could come and ended on a gorgeously hopeful ending. It's bittersweet; we know that Finnick and Annie will soon realise again that people cannot really fly, but they're enjoying it for now, and perhaps one day falling in love will feel like flying?

The tone was also beautifully reminiscent of childhood. It almost felt like a child's voice. Your sentences were short, and sometimes interrupted, like [because it's a long jump, and why did they do this during low tide, and oh, the water is really, really cold.]

Only thing I objected to was Annie's being described as 'nearly a baby'. Seems a bit odd, particularly as she was old enough to form memories of Finnick interrupting her daydream.

Anyways, just loved this gorgeous little piece, and I think Finnick and Annie deserve some happiness in childhood.
