Reviews for Me, Myself and O'Malley
NightSpider1999 chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Oh my god... that was amazing! Seriously! I loved the referances you left in there from "clocktower" to "how I met your mother" and the caboose and O'malley! I never would've thought to put them in mlp. You are clearly a great writer. Good job on this.
skilledjedi chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
O'Malley, Caboose, O'Malley is in Caboose's head; yep this is RvB.
Rohanswe chapter 5 . 4/20/2014
Divine! Simply divine, as Rarity would have put it. I must say, some tears were shed at the end.
Your storytelling technique, amazing and hilarious refrences is remarkable.
Looking forward to your future fictions.

Kind Regards, from a fellow Brony.
Viktor "Rohanswe", from Sweden
Guest chapter 1 . 4/20/2014
147 Dates... Gru... "Dispicable Me 2" Reference! LOL!
Guest Alejandra chapter 5 . 4/20/2014
I agree with my sister, perfect ending as always. So Caboose's big brothers are that jealous of him and Daring. They will find girls soon enough, just like Grimoire and Caboose did. At least Caboose is forgiven for O'Malley's actions. And that Iron Hooves still has no idea of his family. Celestia got a free bell, all because Grimoire thought she wouldn't pardon Caboose. Caboose and Daring are so sweet together.
Guest Melissa chapter 5 . 4/20/2014
What a great ending! I knew Caboose was going to live, it was just so dramatic that's all. He sure was funny when in the hospital with his brothers. While it's clear they love Caboose, they're still annoyed by him. How strange to have a funeral for O'Malley, but this is Caboose we're talking about. Celestia was sure sneaky with Grimoire, that was so cool. I can't wait to see the happy moments of Caboose and Daring.
PrincessMidnightMoon chapter 5 . 4/20/2014
I think this is the shortset one i ever read but i hope that you can make some more
LEC743 chapter 5 . 4/20/2014
(Londen Tipton clapping) Yay!
Yes! Please write the wedding story. Oh my gosh I'm so giddy right know. I am so, so, so happy for Caboose and Daring. They truly deserve each other.
CreativeImaginer12 chapter 5 . 4/20/2014
bcmorgan96 chapter 5 . 4/20/2014
Not bad. But I thought you'd include the wedding.
Guest Alejandra chapter 4 . 4/17/2014
I'm as pleased as my sister. It's going to take a while for Caboose's brothers to recover from O'Malley's attacks. Thank goodness Daring saved the eldest brother. And that she truly does love Caboose and no one else. Caboose is finally taking charge and shall be rid of the bad O'Malley forever. I also hope that he will be okay, talk about inner demons.
Guest Melissa chapter 4 . 4/17/2014
Caboose's greatest battle is with himself! Look at all the serious damage O'Malley did to Caboose's brothers. No doubt Grimoire is the most hurt, since he really cares about Caboose. Daring is one though mare. Thank goodness Caboose was able to save her, but now he's out cold. I hope he will be okay. Hopefully everyone will forgive him, since it wasn't his fault.
bcmorgan96 chapter 4 . 4/17/2014
Keep it up.
LEC743 chapter 4 . 4/17/2014
Gahhhhh! The story has came full circle. I loved the references, I've never seen the movie myself but who hasn't heard, "Say hello to my little friend!" That was great. I love that Caboose finally let it all out. He was awesome as usual. And it was nice to hear ALL of his brothers finally say something nice about him. Since he was in the Growing Pains story I'm not too worried that you're going to kill him off. So I can't wait to see what will happen next.
PrincessMidnightMoon chapter 4 . 4/17/2014
Oh wow this is awsome
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