Reviews for Hunting Orc
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 13 . 3/11/2015
Nice ending and now I want the sequel! :D
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 12 . 3/11/2015
This was a really great chapter. Really exciting, the battle was great.
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 11 . 3/11/2015
Aragorn is a magnet for trouble, lol.
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 10 . 3/11/2015
Aaahhhhhhhhhh! A pet warg? Noooooo, Aragorn!

I don't mind most of the changes Peter Jackson made. It's only when they are out of character. And Tauriel! *makes disgusted horrified face* She is such a Mary Sue. I the romance between her and Kili is the most irritating thing ever! That is my main issue with the movies. I like that he added Radagast. And Thranduil's elk was epic. Some ppl really do ride elks. Thranduil's swords were super epic! In fact, Thranduil in general was awesome! Sorry, random rant. And Martin Freeman was the perfect actor for Bilbo. But overall the movies have too much CGI. Like when Legolas rides out of Laketown he's on a cgi horse! I mean, come on. I liked Bilbo and his acorn. But he completely cut Beorn out if the battle. All he does in the movie is randomly drop of an eagle. Speaking of Beorn, I am absolutely furious at how Peter Jackson cut out that part were Gandalf tricks him into accepting the dwarves! Had be be all dramatic, didn't we. That was one if my favorite parts of the book! Ugh. And Fili and Kili were supposed to die with Thorin! Fili totally deserved a better death than he got. And that while thing with the dwarves chasing Smaug around in the mountain. They didn't even go into the mountain in the book until Smaug was leaving! And the whole "the arkenstone gives me the right to rule" thing was completely made up. Ok, you probably don't want me to rant and rave anymore. I'll shut up now, lol.
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 9 . 3/11/2015
Yay! The twins are coming!

I don't agree with the exaggeration of the Aragon/Arwen love stuff. First of all, I detest kissing scenes...why do I want to watch ppl slobber on each other's mouths? And I like how it was in the book. I find it amusing that the Faramir/Eowyn stuff was practically nonexistent in the movie, but had almost a whole chapter in the book!
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 8 . 3/11/2015
They better rescue him soon!
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 7 . 3/11/2015
The plot thickens...yay!
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 6 . 3/11/2015
Poor Faramir.
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 5 . 3/11/2015

Where'd he go?
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 4 . 3/11/2015
Orcs are so stupid, lol.
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 3 . 3/11/2015
They escaped! But Legolas doesn't know it.
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 2 . 3/11/2015
This is exciting! :D
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
Oh no! Faramir!
LadyOfAnfalas chapter 13 . 1/10/2015
In my previous review, I meant to say, "the first non-humor fic"
LadyOfAnfalas chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
This was non-humor fic I ever read, I followed it before I got an account. I really enjoyed it, particularly the sad ending, and liked your OC villain.
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