Reviews for Begin Again
rikoonee chapter 33 . 7/27
Nice to see the Stark children plotting already. Theon's not getting off this easy. Also the thought of Rickon just clinging to anyone he sees is adorable.
rikoonee chapter 1 . 7/27
Aaah, just the first chapter and I already like it! It's so interesting to see a story from Rickon's perspective because no one really writes much about him. Great writing and pacing.
RWIW chapter 36 . 6/13
Damnit! Yet another abandoned WIP that ends on a cliffhanger!

And this was a good one, too...
RWIW chapter 29 . 6/13
I appreciate your dedication to making us feel Sansa’s pain at reading that passage in the archaic dialect.

I’m seriously enjoying the fic, just... good gad. I felt like I was reading one of those “Ins’t it aemnzig taht yuo can raed tihs” paragraphs. I mean, that IS how Sansa felt about it in-story, so good job, just...
Nahoki-san chapter 14 . 5/16
imagining this sent me into hysterics
mullu chapter 36 . 3/18
Wow. This is truly great. I I don't think I've ever seen a time travel fic with so many of them back, and you did a great job. Everyone is spot on. I love their interactions and the contrast with Robb's confusion; it makes it so much more obvious how the events of the books have changed them. I also love that they are still trying to piece together the future, that they don"t know it all, that knowing what's to come didn't make them all-knowing and can still make bad/unfair decisions (which I believe killing Theon at this point would be), and I hope that part of their journey is to heal a bit of their trauma and recover some of their old selves (their faith in others, etc.). I also love the pace of the story, how you take your time to get everyone to process, to get everyone in the know, to get then strong and ready for when plotty events come to them.

I know it's been forever, but do you still think of this fic? Is there any chance you may pic it up again?
Maritza92 chapter 36 . 10/21/2019
please update the story again I like like to see where it ends
Cats are my World chapter 36 . 7/21/2019
I like this, but there is one thing I must correct: a wolf will not make a sound when it whelps (nor will any animal but humans.) Birth is only really so excruciating to humans (mostly because babies are too big) and, in addition, non-human animals are also wary of predators that would take advantage of a weakened state - thus, the mother keeps quiet.
arctic-kat chapter 36 . 5/24/2019
I love the Stark siblings relationship in your story very much!
Piandao chapter 36 . 3/28/2019
Nice story
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 35 . 1/23/2019
LOVE Cat, Arya, and Bran in this chapter. Well done! PLEASE, I beg you, POST more chapters of this brilliant fic. It's so unique, and I've read nothing else like it!
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 34 . 1/23/2019
I am trying to read the last few chapters as slowly as possible, but it's impossible, they're just too good. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update this BRILLIANT story!
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 33 . 1/23/2019
LOL - I ADORE how you write Cat, amazing job!
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 32 . 1/23/2019
LOL - Cat and Rickon slay me in this fic, they're so funny!
I also love the Arya and Bran tag teaming - awesome job!
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 31 . 1/23/2019
Great chapter!
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