Reviews for Goblin Fever and the Greyflood chapter 24 . 1/10
I'm sorry for your loss, it was such a good story! Thanks for writing!
ThickerThanLove chapter 24 . 5/24/2018
I read through this whole thing in one sitting. It’s magnificent! I love all the characterization, the build up, the dilemmas! All woven together beautifully and naturally any Durin family connections I am all over! Thank you for this great piece!
only-some-loser chapter 24 . 2/21/2017
This is amazing, and I'm so, so sorry about your brother. You have my deepest condolences.

It's been so long since I've read this story that I think I might reread the whole thing lol
JasKD chapter 24 . 1/2/2017
I'm so sorry to hear about your brother.*sends hugs* This story? Honestly? it's amazing. Usually if I find a fanfic I like, I read as fast as possible, but I took my time with this one cuz I wanted to really enjoy it. Never done that before! You've written it so well and it's such a good story I'm so glad I came across it. At first I thought fili was slightly ooc, I didn't think he'd be so jittery or all over the place but the more the story went on the more I got used to it. Other than that slight adjustment at the beginning, I honestly can't think of any downsides. I loved the bird woman and the puppies! And the bits at the end where kilis delusional and talking about erebor is so funny! Definitely checking out your other fanfics and also sorry for writing an essay lol x
dojoson41 chapter 24 . 10/30/2016
sorry to hear about your brother.
dojoson41 chapter 22 . 10/30/2016
Welcome back! you forgot the puppies, where are me puppies?
4everindscripts chapter 24 . 10/25/2016
Aw thanks so much for updating anyway and when you really did. Really sorry about your brother you have my deepest, sincerest condolences.

I had been starting to wonder when you would update but the delay is definitely a valid reason and I didn't mind it anyway. I'm glad you got to travel to NZ. I'm in Rotorua (near Mordor) as well but am leaving soon. It was kind of perfect because I read this chapter the night before our last day in the Airbnb house we had rented (someone had booked the dates before us so we were forced to find another place for the last 4 nights of our stay here) and it felt kind of nostalgic because it was the end of the major part of our trip especially since we'll be going home soon. So it was the perfect way to bring me to the last part of my NZ trip.

I got to see Hobbiton too and it was beautiful as is the rest of the scenery I've seen here. It really makes the books (and movies) come alive, so I'm glad you got to experience it as well.

About the chapter, it felt like a perfect ending of them just mending and finally finding some rest. I would like some more but this is pretty good as is. But yes, please on that epilogue and kudos on the entire story. May writing bring you the peace and clarity fiction gives us kind of escape that Tolkien wrote his books for. :)
SprinklingStardust0596 chapter 24 . 10/25/2016
I've been following this story since nearly the beginning. You are an absolutely amazing author with such a creative and imaginative mind. I just went back and reread the story to be more invested in the ending and I loved it just as much as when I first discovered it. It feels good to have the peace of mind a completed story gives ~Stardust
WanderingHobbit chapter 24 . 10/22/2016
I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. I don't blame you not being able to come back to this story for awhile because of it. But I am very happy for you that you got to go to New Zealand! And this chapter was more than worth the wait. (:
jaymzNonoel chapter 24 . 10/22/2016
I'm sorry for you're lost! I understand why you wouldn't have it in you to write anything at the time. A lost of a love one is a hard thing to go through and takes time to recover from. I hope things become much happier for you!
On a happier note, this was an awesome story and chapter! I love it so much! Definitely one of my top Hobbit/LOTR favorites (and I've read a TON! Haha ;) )! I must say I loved Bifur and Bofur in this chapter! :D And I'm glad that Milli and Era are staying behind for a fresh start :) But poor Ori! Haha ;) But he'll do fine like Milli said, slingshot and all! :D I also like how when Kili was healing, it had a reverse effect, was really cool and interesting (though I'm sure Kili didn't find it "cool and interesting" haha ;) ) Like I said up above, I absolutely love your story and I'm super excited for the epilogue and I hope to read more from you! You're such an amazing writer! :) Thank you for sharing the awesome story!
syeern chapter 24 . 10/22/2016
I can't even imagine how wrong this must've felt for you, or in life in general. I'm so sorry. May your brother be forever happy and free. May his arms be wide open to embrace you when the time comes for you to be together again. Bodies come and go, but love is eternal.

I love that bird woman. She is just a kick ass character, as all your female characters are, and should be cos-played. The line of Durin is so strong. You balanced their tough dwarven stubbornness with the right amount of feels. I love the amethyst caves and that the girls found a place to heal. It would be awesome if they joined the company of Thorin Oakenshield to reclaim Erebor. What changes could they make to the story? I can't imagine them not being invited. But then again, Gimli was deemed too young to go. Hmmm. Still, I'd be surprised if they weren't at least told about it. Particularly by a mift Gimli. Bifur and Bofur cracked me up. Brilliant how your created the back story of how he wound up with that ax in his skull. I hope the epilogue has Dis in it. I can only imagine how much trouble the boys will be in. Mayhap her doting is to be feared just as much? How many years until she let's them out of her sight again? Thank you for a wonderful story. May you always feel your brother close to you no matter the distance or veils.
Nenithiel chapter 24 . 10/22/2016
Thank you for finishing the story and my condolences on your loss.

Oh and nadadith, not naddith.

Ophelia Claire chapter 24 . 10/22/2016
I'm so sorry for your loss- you don't need to feel bad at all for not updating. I'm glad you're doing better, though- sounds like you had a great trip!
marina1211 chapter 24 . 10/22/2016
Siento mucho tu perdida... yo perdí a mi padre y se el dolor tan grande que trae. Ojalá que hayas encontrado resignación y consuelo.
Tu historia es maravillosa y este capítulo valió la pena toda la espera.
Eres excelente escribiendo, gracias
Shadowdancer125 chapter 24 . 10/22/2016
It's okay. I understand and I'm very sorry for your loss. I also lost my little brother couple of years ago in a bad way. So I wish that some day your pain will fade even a little and remember that nobody can ever take your memories away from you. Lots of hugs and thank you from that wonderful story 3
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