Reviews for Carnivorous House
Lunaliceazreal chapter 1 . 9/19/2015
Why ... Soooooo saaaaaaaad I'm bawling my eyes out !
Gerik Phan chapter 1 . 4/4/2005
The mighty Malfoy family has fallen into hell,and Draco can't realize it.
bittersweetie chapter 1 . 2/11/2005
Beautifully written. I like the use of fractured structure for this fic in particular. Nicely reflective of Draco's own mood and his conflicted feelings surrounding both Lucius and Harry. Oh, and one more thing, *LOVE* the sword. Way to use an object to reflect that Draco has broken the Malfoy line in a way that wraps even his name up in the lie.
claira chapter 1 . 5/9/2003
Neppu chapter 1 . 12/30/2002
I'm just going to add you to my Favorite Authors list straight away and you can think that I've reviewed all of your stories with a big "I LOVE THIS STUFF!".

thinkatory chapter 1 . 11/29/2002
Oh, God. This just.. this just sends chills down my spine. Fantastic. Oh, God.
inkmee chapter 1 . 11/16/2002
Quality on ? its a miracle...

Lovely fic, beautiful, very well written, with a wonderful poetic style that conveys the mood of the fic. Loved the foggy greyness of it all.
breed chapter 1 . 11/8/2002
So yeah, I suck at reviews, which fits well with the theme for those of us still at that will only be read by plebes now. Anyway, I love this, that's all.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/27/2002 bleak, worse than hopeless...I can feel the atmosphere so perfectly. your words create a phantom world I wish I could enter and save Draco from,
Wyrd Sista187 chapter 1 . 10/22/2002
Eerily poetic and quite sad, but in a dignified MAalfoy way. I like, I like. When are you going to update 'The Untold Want' though?
Shera C 007 chapter 1 . 10/22/2002
Wonderful story, I really enjoyed the surreal quality to it. I love Lucious not being Draco's real father, that it was a muggle after everything Draco & his family have done to muggles. *g* Anyway lovely story!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/22/2002
that was quite possibly the best written chapter i have ever read on fanfic. beautiful.
reenka chapter 1 . 10/22/2002
yeah, it definitely complements the picture, and expands and defines and redefines, like a fog hovering, informed by a single image and dissolving into many. i suppose most of this is imagistic, atmospheric, like a bedtime story meant to give you shivers and wrap your blanket tighter around you, except that i can see how it's real, too, too real and so it has to be veiled in all sorts of rituals and airs and such.

i loved him not being lucius' son, and at the end, him saying father' :D and being part mudblood. and being trapped in the house- yes- i imagine that house would be entrapping- but even house you grow up in has that quality, really, doesn't it? & the draco/lucius/draco/lucius/draco/lucius father/son thing was great~:) i love the circles within this, the loops and twirls and the way it doubles back upon itself and smoothes its own edges.

He could build a road, following the veins and the nerves and the vertebra of the spine and they could walk away, walk out of this place."

mm, that was v. v. -very- vivid. a road of one's body, following it, sort of a play, come to think of it, on the "following your heart" cliche except much more real, you know. i just, muchly love that image, it really rings true for me.

The window is a mirror too. If he dives in he will fall into his own arms."

*grins* there's that loopy quality again. and of course i love this image, too, it just jumped out at me. it is both surreal and intensely real, makes sense when it shouldn't, and i love it when that happens.

any house that contains a lot of memories, that contains your past/the past within it, is by nature carnivorous, no blood needed even, so while the title may seem jangling at first, it does make sense.


Slowly, slowly, at the edge of the world, he is building a country."

mmm. that sounds so - beautiful. like a fairy-tale that you have no idea where the magic or he ending or -anything- is coming from or going to. yes.

~reena, who feels like she's babbled enough for one day ;
ails chapter 1 . 10/22/2002
I love this.