Reviews for Three's a Crowd
michiko-chan27 chapter 22 . 7/14
I just got to ask this. Why is Tsuna still calling Kyoya "Hibari-san"?
michiko-chan27 chapter 12 . 7/14
wait, is this time set after the arcobaleno representative battles or just after the future arc?
michiko-chan27 chapter 8 . 7/14
ack. I want to cry. This is so heartwarming
Mangaqueen1158 chapter 22 . 12/20/2018
this was amazing and so much fun to read. thank you.
FruitCup chapter 22 . 6/4/2017
This was such a cute story; I read it all in one go! I really enjoyed the slow burn off the trio getting together, and Kyouya was just adorable. So was Mukuro, I absolutely adore the gentle take on his character.
Amu4ever chapter 17 . 11/23/2016
Oh my, poor Mukuro.
Amu4ever chapter 16 . 11/23/2016
I am really wondering about Chrome. If she exists than why isn't she sitting with Mukuro? I mean he is her precious Master, after all!
Amu4ever chapter 15 . 11/23/2016
Eh? Why did no one in the infarmy comment on Tsuna's bruise? I mean, es, most of them were very busy, but Mukuro knew Hibari didn't manage to stop the attack from hitting Tsuna. So, he should at least have noticed.

Oh and I wonder how long it will take for Hibari to not be the only boyfriend anymore :D
Amu4ever chapter 14 . 11/23/2016
Where the HECK did Chrome suddenly come from? I honestly thought you replaced her as Mukuros charge with Fran! After all you said only Chikusa, Mukuro, Ken and Fran were staying at Tsunas house when Kokuyoland burnt down. Where was Chrome then if she existed all along? Where was she the whole time?

Now I don't mean to be offensive with this, but I genuinly concluded that you simply exchanged Chrome with Fan as Mukuros charge.

Where was she?
Amu4ever chapter 13 . 11/23/2016
I am glad Tsuna interfered. Although Belhegors reaction was unexpected, though I should have considered that he indeed IS quite unpredictable...
Amu4ever chapter 12 . 11/23/2016
You are truly a master of tweaking the situations to improve their relationships :)
Amu4ever chapter 11 . 11/23/2016
Eh? Who would yell and demand something like that of Tsuna? Reborn would simply expect Tsuna to follow, no yelling necessary, only a few kicks and possible one or two bullets. His father would simply ignore Tsunas protest and hang up. No yelling necessary either.

Amu4ever chapter 10 . 11/23/2016
Aw! The way you let their relationship develope in such a slow, natural manner is very lovely :)
Amu4ever chapter 9 . 11/23/2016
Awwww...Tsuna is slowly winning their heart with honest care :)

I am glad I found your story. It is good to brighten the day!

Thank you for sharing this with us :)
Amu4ever chapter 8 . 11/23/2016
Well, Tsuna is making progress indeed :)

Although both Guardians are traumaticed deeply...
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