Reviews for Die To Live Again
Hawki chapter 1 . 7/29/2017
-“In his many long life times…”

Should be “lifetimes.”

-Think “Torchwood three” should have the “three” capitalized.

-Anyway, I’m mixed about this. It’s been ages since I’ve seen ‘Torchwood’, but IIRC, in the very first episode, where they temporary resurrect murder victims, one of them blurts out, after Jack asks him, that there’s nothing after death. Now, that doesn’t shoot the story in the foot in of itself, but it is conspicuous that the fact that there is something after death isn’t even mentioned.

That aside, this is primarily a fluff piece. To be honest, fluff in of itself isn’t usually my thing, but as fluff, it’s well written fluff. Fluff, at the end of the day, but, well, yeah. To be honest, I like the first section more than the second one because while not the focus of the story, it has more gravitas. But, as fluff, it’s fluff that’s written well enough.
Malteser24 chapter 1 . 7/15/2014
This is what happened. This is what happened after everything and no one can tell me otherwise.

*"I... Ianto?"

"I guess you really didn't forget about me then"*

Loved it. Amazing.
1amwhat1am chapter 1 . 7/10/2014
Love this so much. Thank you for writing and sharing. :)
serial blogger chapter 1 . 5/18/2014
This ws beautiful, it's nice to see them all achieve some happiness in the end. This story brought me to tears and believe me when I say that that is no mean feat. I'm glad that you acknowledged that Gwen wouldn't actually be there, she had a life outside the Hub, a proper life with a family and she obviously would have chosen that as her final resting place. I was worried that you might try and force her into it some how but I'm glad you didn't. Sorry about the long review but I do believe that this story desrves some serious appreciation. Thank you for this
riversongandthedoctor chapter 1 . 4/29/2014
Love it! Almost perfect. I'm scared to say it's perfect. Encore! Encore! Encore!
SupernaturalGirl91 chapter 1 . 4/21/2014
Wow I love this! You should carry it on... make it longer. Left me needing more but oh the happy/sad Janto feels
InActiVe12 chapter 1 . 4/17/2014
you gave me feels... BUT THEY WERE NICE ONES SO I WILL ALLOW YOU TO LIVE! but still man... i am welling up a bit! good job!