Reviews for Falling
pyromaniac2234 chapter 4 . 9/26/2006
just slightly disturbed but thats ok please update!
Elisabeth chapter 4 . 10/11/2005
this story is really different from other LJ fics i have read and from what i imagine... but different is good. but still, WHY ARE YOU BEING SO EVIL AND MAKING LILY ACT LIKE AN UNCARING BITCH? but, i know that she will change, so please update and show us how!
YouDontKnowWhoIAm chapter 4 . 6/8/2004
oh it so good. i really wish you would update.
Alya1989262 chapter 1 . 4/21/2003
Please, tta! Go on! I just wanna see more of this story!
Gothic Elven Chick chapter 4 . 2/2/2003
why not do a chapter in Lily's POV? that would be pretty cool.
Lily Itriwi chapter 4 . 1/27/2003
Great fic! This is a nice change from most L/J love/hate fics... can't wait to read more!
Restrictions chapter 4 . 1/16/2003
I guess my earlier, LONG, review didn't come out. Stupid ! *Kicks it* why can't anything ever WORK for once! Am I asking too much or something? Hmph! Anyway ... re-read the chapter and it's so awesome and I want u to get back here and CONTINUE! Really what else can I say? But oh my god! Lily is such a cow! How CAN she get herself some random, trampy boyfriend when the obvious love of her life is right IN FRONT OF HER? *Glares* oh well, they've both got to get together, now don't they? :P that's what I love about L/J stories. You KNOW for a fact that they're gonna end up with one another but the question is how! Your story is soooo unpredictable! I just so totally don't know what's gonna happen and how L/J are gonna get together! I mean Lily is just so BLIND for one -_- *Sighs* poor Jamie-poo :'[ how can u make him go through this? *Glares at author and chases her with a keyboared* GET BACK HERE AND WRITE FLUFF, ALREADY!
Atlantis Forester chapter 4 . 1/10/2003
*whacks tta not-so-gently over the head with an iron bat* YOU CRUEL, DEMENTED GIRL! DO YOU HAVE SOME SORT OF SICK PLEASURE IN SEEING ME IN PAIN? *glares*


gwvixen21 chapter 4 . 1/7/2003
Great story! Never read another one like it!

Can't wait for the next chpater!
Sarah chapter 4 . 1/7/2003
Hi, this is ifonlytonight from LJ! :D Just thought I'd let you know I read it all. I like this chapter the best, but like it all lots :)
Maigon Jesolite chapter 4 . 1/7/2003
Yes, I do think. Now my lips got this sore patch on it and ... what is it with this story! I might have to stop reading it just to stay healthy! But it's too good, so it's tough luck for me.
Muneca Perdida chapter 4 . 1/6/2003
Awww poor James *sobs*

Every other fic I read made him a heartless bastard but here he's so adoreable! *sigh dreamily* now I love him a tiny little bit more than Sirius...

Please din't take too long to update... I'll just... die!

See you at LJ

kristen chapter 4 . 1/5/2003
oo i like it! james and lily are almost exactly how i imagined them! yay! james is a lot like harry which makes me love him even more. this flows really well. its almost poetic, the way you write it, which is great for someone who speaks english as their first language, not to mention second! i feel sorry for poor james! i hope she isnt *too* mean to him for much longer. ive never read a james/lily fanfic before. im glad i have one now. hehe. dont keep me waiting too long for the next chapter!
marzoog chapter 4 . 1/5/2003
AW! Thanks for replying to my review! That always makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside! ::again checks herself for sounding like a Hufflepuff:: Maybe I should just give up and BE a Hufflepuff, so I can stop having to checking my Ravenclaw self. On second thought, nah.

Again, I have this annoying little habit for rambling...I don't even know if I want to work it out and stop it...I at least should try...

Ok, back to bussiness, I liked this chapter. It was interesting to hear about James watching Lily snog some other guy. Merely because if it happened to most boys at his age they would have sprung up and torn them apart. Again with this sweetie business.

I still have found that males in school are total jerks...or is that just to me because I will NOT stand for any of their crap and rebuke them for everything they do wrong. I don't know...maybe being sassy and reclusive has its down points. Such as not being able to see much good amung 8th grade boys...

Well, I think that you have really gone in depth in James character and I salute you!

Please please please update soon!

The Minnesotan in England

Alya1989262 chapter 4 . 1/4/2003
You really should keep going... That is if you want to live up to... say... next week. Cause I'm coming to bite your head off if you din't update in less than 8 days!

~Evil Furious Alya~
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