Reviews for Losing Your Memory
Ladycrow67 chapter 21 . 1/16/2019
bluesister02 chapter 21 . 10/29/2018
I really love this story, I hope you come back to it soon.
Evelyn815 chapter 21 . 7/9/2017
I have read the entire series and really, really loved it! You write so well! The emotions you portray are very well done! I also enjoy how literate you are with punctuation and vocabulary! That is refreshing! I think you have completed the story but will check back for more. Hope you write many more stories! Don't feel constrained to stay within Canon parameters! Also, you should try to write a wee bit of sex into your stories! Thanks again for a great read!
SuziH-J chapter 20 . 7/4/2017
It's been three months since you said we would the ending to this story. It's been a brilliant story to read & deserves an ending. Hope you do come back & add it soon. I'll keep following to make sure I don't miss it.
SuziH-J chapter 21 . 4/9/2017
Just came back and reread this story again, so glad you have come back to finish it. Loved this chapter and look forward to reading the ending.
grobbebol chapter 21 . 4/7/2017
okay, not reading this chapter and the next. I'm gonna wait till it's complete and then read the whole thing in one go. I still remember this one and know i like it but i've lost the plot a little bit. But i will read it, you bet i will.
taylorpatta chapter 21 . 4/7/2017
So glad you have come back to this story
toniaosakwe chapter 20 . 1/27/2017
I love this!
FranArian chapter 20 . 3/22/2016
This is one of the less "wow, that became a complete cluster-f**k" versions of Ianto dosing himself with Retcon. Well done.
ukdramafan chapter 20 . 1/7/2016
Hi and Happy New Year. Just writing to say that there are plenty of us enjoying this story and that if you decide to continue and are able, we'll all be here to appreciate it.
sandysan2013 chapter 20 . 8/11/2015
Finally! Sometimes they can be so thick!
ukdramafan chapter 20 . 6/9/2015
Glad to see them talking and working things out. I'm sure that Gwen would challenge Jack's decisions, but wonder if his anxiety about telling her is maybe a bit out of character? (in canon, he was sometimes blunt, even hurtful, in stating it the way he sees it). That said, Gwen seemed to have less consequences for her actions than the others, so I'm looking forward to your Jack putting her in her place about his relationship with Ianto.
Narshia chapter 20 . 6/3/2015
Yay! They're officially back together. I guess Gwen will try to find a way to sabotage their relationship but hopefully they pull through.
Guest chapter 20 . 6/3/2015
Luka Knight chapter 20 . 6/3/2015
aww, they are so cute.
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